Chapter Fifteen: Exception

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I faithfully took the suppressants on time after that small incident. I hadn't realized how unbearable the breeding period could be. It was as though my body had a mind of its own, completely ignoring my minds constant pleas for control. I didn't think it would be that strong. I fear that next time I won't be able to stop myself. That's why I'm honestly relieved that I'm now in the car, happily heading back to safety and away from the eyes of the providers, all except one.

"You could have just had sex with me," Louis commented as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You would have mellowed out without the help of some pill." I rolled my eyes, "You would like that, wouldn't you?" Louis lips turned up into a smirk, "Obviously. We could have done it right there on the bathroom floor."

I huffed, crossing my arms, "You're disgusting. Aren't you a little too old to be talking like that? What are you? Like 35." The obvious distaste for my comment was shown clearly on Louis' face, the man shooting death glares that I'm positive were for me at the rode. "I'm not old," Louis said calmly, though his grip on the steering showed he was a roaring sea on the inside. "Well you're not that young," I egged on, hoping to grind his gears even more. "I'm only 26," Louis growled. I hummed in response, sitting back in the leather seat. "I'll be 19 next month," I mumbled and I heard Louis scoff next to me. "No wonder you act like a child," he murmured and I glared at him.

"And no wonder you're always grumpy, old man" I countered earning a growl from him. I bit my bottom lip, crossing my arms and looking out of the window. Here I am, nearly 19 yet stuck in a position that people of the olden days would refer to as marriage. The difference being that back then, they loved each other first. I'm not really sure if providers and breeders actually love each other. I think my parents love one another, their affection pretty obvious in their actions, but I have never in all my years of living with them heard them actually say I love you.

I wonder how Louis feels about me. Majority of the time, the only emotions he expressed was anger and annoyance, with a selection of other emotions here and there. Sometimes he acts on his instincts as a provider, but does that really show he actually likes me? Majority of his acts of compassion and protectiveness is due to his obligations as a provider, so I can't possibly count that as a thing someone would do just for liking someone.

I looked from the window towards Louis, whose eyes were fixated on the rode. " Do you care for me?" I found myself asking unconsciously. Louis seemed taken back by the question, his shock evident in his feature. "Well of course I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't possibly put up with the things you put me through," he answered, his eyes never leaving the rode. I looked down for a split second before looking back up towards Louis. "But do you love me?" I asked and the car came to a sudden stop, my body jerking forward leaving me thankful for the seatbelt. He quickly pulls over to the curve and I watched with wide eyes as he put the car in park.

Louis eyes were on me now, his eyebrows knit together in confusion. "What do you mean?" He finally asked after a long pause. I found my bottom lip between my teeth again, suddenly growing nervous under Louis' confused stare. " I meant what I asked. Do you love me?" I questioned again and I watched as Louis' Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. "I care about you," he simply said. "But that's not what I asked, Louis, I asked if-" "I know what you asked!" He snapped, cutting me off. I'd be lying if I said Louis' sudden outburst didn't surprise me. The car was filled with a tense silence as Louis ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "It shouldn't matter," Louis finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. I turned my body completely away from him, my eyes out the window. I wrapped my arms around myself, sighing heavily. "Well it does," I choke out, but Louis says nothing, switching the car back into drive and pulling out into the street.

The rest of the ride back was silent, my back turned to Louis the entire time. As soon as he parked, I was the first one out, taking quick steps into the building. "Must you walk so fast when you're upset," I heard Louis comment from behind me but I ignored him as I continued towards the elevator. "Levi," he called my name but I didn't acknowledge it. The elevator dinged on our floor and I quickly scurried out to the door. Louis sighed as he unlocked it and I hurried inside. "Levi," he called my name again and I did the same thing I did before. Why couldn't he get it through his head that I didn't want to talk to him.

"Levi, would you listen to me!?" he gripped my wrist, spinning me around to face him. "Why is it that every time we seem to make a little progress, you seem to push us back down to square one," Louis growled. "Progress? We haven't made any progress what so ever," I grumbled and Louis rolled his eyes. "That's because you won't let us," he countered. "Well why don't you just get a new breeder? You know, since it's so easy for you," I snapped. "We're back on this again," he scoffed with an exasperated sigh. "Oh trust me, we never left," I lowered my gaze towards him. Just because I hadn't brought it up doesn't mean I'm suddenly okay with it. There's no way I can just forget about something so huge. "Levi, why must you put me through this?" Louis had sounded almost defeated when he said it, and even though my anger slightly shifted, I still held my ground. 

"Just go down to central or wherever you go and ask to be assigned a new breeder," I suggested. "I don't want to do that," Louis groaned out, running a hand through his hair. It was obvious to see that he was more frustrated than angry with me, but for some reason I couldn't stop myself from wanting to irritate him more. "Why not?" I questioned, taking steps towards him. I wanted to stop talking. To be honest, I didn't want Louis to replace me with someone else. I was speaking out of anger, but what was I so angry for? "Why not!?" I asked again. Why won't I just shut up? "Because...." Louis started but trailed off. I tilted my head to the side. "Because what?" I pushed on. "Because.... Because I-" Louis sighed, racking his hand through his hair a second time before looking towards me. "Because I want you, okay!" He finally chocked out, his eyebrows scrunched together as his blue eyes stared at me intensely.

"I've only wanted you. You didn't know anything about me, but I knew everything about you. You may not have known this, but Breeders aren't just picked randomly. I've been watching you for 3 years Levi. I've been watching and waiting for the day you were old enough to become mines. You're..." Louis paused as he let out another sigh, as if admitting this was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life.

"You're the only person I'd ever wanted since Andy died. Since... I lost my family," Louis cupped my cheeks in his hands as I watched him with wide eyes, unable to conjure up any words as a reply. It was as if all my anger, all my former dislike towards Louis, had evaporated into the air.

"Louis I-" my sentence was cut off as Louis' lips brushed across my own. His kiss was soft, not passionate as his former ones had been, but delicate as if I was some sort of fine china he was afraid to break. He pulled back, his blue eyes that were once cold now held so much emotion that it was overwhelming. "I just want to start fresh and new with you. For the first time in forever, I want to take care of someone again. To.... love someone again. Is that so wrong?" He whispered. I continued to watch him with wide eyes as his lips once again pressed into my own, sending tingles down my spine.

I had realized something in this moment. I had been selfish. I had only considered myself; if I was unhappy, then the world was unhappy. I had never considered how Louis was affected by my resistance, by my denial. I gave him a hard time and never really considered how my actions weighed on him, and yet here he is now, kissing me as if I'm the most important thing in the world. I'm not saying that I will submit to being a breeder because I've always known that it just really isn't my style nor will it ever be. I won't ever accept being a breeder, but I guess when it comes to being with Louis, I can make an exception.

If you hadn't noticed, you can see that I'm trying to get this romance train rolling so we can get to *drumroll please* MR. NASTY TIMEEEEEEEE! Levi is such a drama queen ( But it's kind of my fault because I made him that way) But I think it was about time for Levi and Louis to make some progress because YOU GUYS ARE SOME FREAK BODIES! You're going to get your smut you filthy animals (/.\) Anyways, be sure to leave comments and vote! I love you allllllll *kisses* muaah (^3^)

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