Chapter Six: Replacement Breeder

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I stomped around the room, Axel watching me from his position on the couch. He had caught on to the fact that it was a really bad idea to try to calm me down when I was in this state. My blood was on fire and it almost seemed as though it would burn my skin any moment. "How dare he!?" I yelled to no one in particular. His words had just kept replaying in my head and the more I thought about it, the more the anger built up in my body.

"Can you believe him?" I turned towards Axel, who suddenly got nervous from me directing my angry questions at him. "Uh.. Yea, totally. What an asshole," he scoffed because he knew those were the words I wanted to hear. I have to give this guy credit; he is a smart one. "I know, right!?" I flopped down on the couch next to him and I watched as his body tensed up.

"Do you have a breeder?" I found myself asking, not that I really cared, but I wanted to get my mind off of Louis, even if it's only for a second. A small smile played on Axel's lips as he nodded his head, as if the mere thought of his breeder lit up his day. For some odd reason, I found myself smiling back at him.

"What's he like?" I asked, happily accepting the distraction. "Oh, he's wonderful! He's very caring and beautiful. He's great at cooking and he's kind. We just had our first son. It was magical and-" he stopped mid sentence when he noticed me looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He scratched the back of his head, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sorry for blabbering on," he apologized and I shook my head in protest. "No, I want to hear more," I told him and I genuinely did. The only breeder I knew mostly about was my mother and I don't even know what his life was like before he was assigned to my father. Axel gave me a slight nod before continuing," To be honest, he was a lot like you when we first met," I raised an eyebrow at that.

"How so?" I asked. "Really stubborn. Head strong. Wanted to argue about everything. He actually didn't warm up to me until about a year after being assigned to each other," he let out a chuckle before turning his head towards me, his face now bearing a serious expression as his eyes bore into mines. I shuffled uncomfortably at his serious gaze. "You know, Mr. Tanner isn't all that bad Levi. The mere fact that I'm here proves he cares for you."

I shot him a confused glare, "The only reason why your here is to babysit me," I shot back. "I'm here to protect you," He countered and I stood up, growing annoyed. "I can protect myself!" I yelled and Axel stood up too. He towered over me but I still held my ground, refusing to give in. "You think you can, but you can't!" He yelled back and I was slightly taken back by his sudden boldness.

"You don't know shit about me!" I stomped, feeling a little like a child but I was too pissed to care. "I know that when Andy told Mr. Tanner he could protect himself, he couldn't!" He yelled, his cheeks a pale pink from the anger that probably was accumulating within him. His eyes widened as if just realizing what he said and his hands shot over his mouth.

"Who?" I said with so much ice that the Pacific Ocean probably froze over. Axel's eyes scanned the room, not once meeting my icy gaze. There was no way he was getting out of this. Obviously he had revealed something that I wasn't supposed to know and I doubt Louis had planned on telling me. "Who the hell is Andy?" I questioned, taking one step towards Axel as he took one step back.

"Why does it matter? You don't like Mr. Tanner anyway," he said, trying to avoid answering but I wasn't backing down. "Tell me now," I growled out and I watched as Axel swallowed before looking at me. "He was Mr. Tanners previous breeder." I stared at him, my lips slightly parted from the shock. "He had another breeder," I mumbled and Axel nodded.

"Where is he now?" I asked. Axel stared at me for a few seconds, unsure whether or not he should answer, but he knew he had no choice. "Andy and Mr. Tanner's first born child are dead," he finally said and my breath hitched in my throat. He had a child. He had a breeder. I was given to someone who already had a child and breeder.

"So you're saying I'm a replacement," I said, my voice cracking. Everyone knows that being someone's second breeder meant that you weren't good enough to be someone else's first. It's like saying your the extra, like how you only use the top and bottom slices of the bread when all the other bread slices in the loaf are gone. Axel eyes softened as his hand met my shoulder.

I smacked his hand away and raced for my room, slamming it shut behind me. I locked the door and flopped on the bed, burying my face into the softness of the pillow. I could hear Axel's muffled calls of my name through the door, but I ignored him. I was Louis' seconds and the horrible thing about it is my parents knew. They knew and still signed me over to Louis. This meant they believed I wasn't worthy enough to be someone's first. That's fucked up.

**Sooo I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and stuff. Be sure to leave lots of comments, don't be shy and vote. And if you want, you can even follow me too. I always follow back. Anyways stay tuned. Wait til Louis gets home, it's about to go down. Until next time! Purpleeberries (grapes lol) signing off!**

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