Chapter Thirty: Dreadful Positivity

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After my little scene at the mall, Harry and I had rushed to the nearest convenience store and grabbed multiple pregnancy tests. Poor Axel was super confused as he drove us, even more so when we refused to let him in on what we were doing.

We rushed back to Harry's place where as soon as I walked through the doors, I headed straight to the bathroom. Taking the tests were a drag, and the tense air while I waited for the results to show up was more so. I stared at the timer, biting my lip as I waited for it to reach zero.

As soon as the buzzer sounded, I grabbed the test, staring at it in amplified horror. "No, no, no, no...." I chanted as I grabbed the other ones, all bearing the same terrifying answer. I exited the bathroom to find Harry patiently standing by the door, his eyes brightening up from my appearance.

"By positive, it means that it's positive I'm NOT pregnant, right?" I whine, holding up the positive test in my shaking fingers. "A-And by p-pregnant, it means 'Congratulations, Levi! Y-You're NOT pregnant', r-right?" I stutter out as a sob escaped my lips. I felt a soft pat on my shoulder and turned to face Harry, who shook his head. "I'm sorry Levi, but it doesn't really work that way," he said softly and I stared at him, my bottom lip poked out in a pout. "So you mean to tell me that there's a little blue eyed devil growing inside of me right now," I sobbed and Harry's face twisted up. "No," he started and my eyes widened as I watched him in hope. "It could have brown eyes," he finished and another sob escaped my lips.

"Look on the bright side, now our babies can have play dates," Harry commented, causing yet another sob to slip past my lips. I felt bile rise into my throat and I rushed to the toilet, throwing up the little amount that was left in my stomach from earlier. "Gross," Harry said in disgust as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom and I glared up at him. "If I wasn't so sick, I'd kick you're ass. Why aren't you throwing up?" I growled and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Pregnancy is different for everyone. I was just one of the really lucky ones," he smirked before walking off with a whistle.

I groaned as I leaned back against the wall wishing for this to all be over now. After some minutes of dry heaving and a couple of more groans, I finally forced myself to stand and leave the bathroom. "I'm pregnant with another providers child!" erupted from the TV and Harry gasped in shock. "I knew that Clayton was a hoe," he commented as he brought some popcorn to his lips. "And I bet his provider's brother Marcus is the father," Harry said with a head shake and I groaned loudly, finally capturing his attention.

"Now is not the time to be watching Dramas, Harry!" I snapped and Harry pouted, turning off the TV and placing his bowl of popcorn on the table. "Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can be a kill of joy. Try to be more like me," Harry complained and I rubbed my temples, growing more annoyed by every passing second.
I flopped next to him on the couch, allowing my head to fall into his lap as a sob escaped.

"There, there..." he comforted me as I continued to be a crying mess in his lap. "Everything is going to be alright. Just imagine this. In a few months, you won't be the only one crying," Harry said and I sat up to glare at him. "You know, you're not that good at making people feel better," I groaned and he beamed at me. "I'm well aware of that already. Thank you," he commented and I rolled my eyes.

"I hope this kid doesn't act like me," I mumbled and Harry hummed, continuing to rub my head in a soothing manner. "You're not that bad," Harry said and I chuckled, shaking my head. "A little while ago, I was ten times more stubborn. I've actually mellowed out," I continued and Harry chuckled. "How bad could you have been. If anything, I'm the one who should be worried," he commented and I sat up, giving him a raised eyebrow.

"I was a very....wild child at one point," he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes with a playful grin. "Still pretty wild to me," I commented and Harry ruffled my hair. "I was ten times worst," he explained with a distant smile. "I'd give my entire fortune to see that," I said with a smirk. "What fortune? You have none you fucking broke boy," Harry grumbled.

I rubbed my chin in thought before shrugging. "You're right," I agreed and Harry laughed. "You bet your pregnant ass I am," he chimed and I glared at him. "Too soon," he smiled and I rolled my eyes, standing up from my seat on the couch.

"Look on the even brighter side, that baby is the most perfect gift of all. The answer to our problem," Harry said as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. "And the beginning of many more," I grumbled as I twisted off the cap and took a swig of water. "You know, positivity isn't really your thing," Harry pouted, crossing his arms like a child. "Well it's a little hard to stay positive when you're throwing up everything you eat," I said as I took another drink of water.

Harry needs to understand that there is a difference between his pregnancy and my own. He has every reason to be shitting rainbows, especially when he's been trying so hard. But for me, the last thing I need is to be taking care of a child. It would only push me further into this breeder thing that I was finally beginning to accept.....somewhat. There are still some concepts and stereotypes that I refused to fall under, but Louis had grown on me so I guess I was overlooking them for a while.

"Look at my body," I exclaimed as I lifted up my shirt, showing Harry the body I had worked so hard for that was, although softened a little bit, still defined. "Oh I do, all the time.... don't tell Nate though," he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, deciding to ignore his comment. "Well, a baby would completely ruin it. I will never be able to get it back," I whined as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I had noticed the difference between my brothers and I long ago. Even if you don't know for sure if your a breeder or provider until diagnosed, you could still always tell. While their stocky builds and bodies naturally came to resemble my father's, mines had slowly started to resemble my mother's. That's why I wanted to change my so called fate and become what I wanted to be.

It had took so much for me to get this way in the first place, so having a child would mean that I probably won't ever get it back. The doctors had told me that a breeder's body wasn't designed to hold muscle, but I had proved them all wrong. Even so, I still have my doubts that I would be able to do so again if I have a kid.

"I'll probably end up like you," I said, motioning to Harry. "Well damn, I always thought I had a banging body," Harry scoffed, putting his hands on his hips. "You know what I mean," I sighed as I made my way to the couch and flopped down. "It's a great look for you, but I don't want to be that way," I said as I placed my face in my hands.

"Levi..." Harry said and I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mines. "You're a breeder," he said sternly. I gaped at him as he placed his hands on my shoulders, his face serious. "No one cares about your body changing but you, which means that although you claim you have, I don't think you've completely come to terms with it," Harry said seriously. My jaw clenched as I stared at my friend, not one ounce of playfulness in his tones. He was really serious.

"Breeders are the most important people in this world. We give birth to life, something a provider will never be able to do. Without us, providers wouldn't even exist. No one would. We keep the human race alive. You shouldn't be embarrassed of who you are. You should be proud," Harry explained and I could feel tears gathering in the corner of my eyes.

He was right. All of this time, I had done nothing but thought of Breeders as being weak people who needed someone to take care of them, when in actuality, they were the strongest. They kept the human race going, and without them, our species would have died out along with the last female.

"Thank you Harry," I said with a smile and he nodded, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Being a breeder doesn't make you weak. The cycle goes on because of us. It is our strength that allows us to carry and give birth," Harry murmured into my hair and I nodded. It was time that I faced up to being a breeder. I can have children and I should be happy that I can. I shouldn't be ashamed and I shouldn't have automatically placed being a breeder into this negative category.

I pulled away and wiped my eyes, Harry and I chuckling as we saw each others tear stricken faces. "Ready to have the two most bad ass babies known to man," Harry said dramatically and I laughed. "As ready as I'll ever be."

For some reason, this is one of my favorite chapters. I liked it so much that once I started, I couldn't start. I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I really enjoyed writing it. Leave Comments, Vote, and message me if you want. Thank you for all of your support.

Until Next time ❤️

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