Chapter 57

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I read the note over and over again, 'let me steal Dan, Philly'. I couldn't bring myself to process how this was possible, I thought Nick had left us alone?
I turn around and slowly pace towards the exit of Dan's office, his paper work tucked neatly under my arm, and my eyes plastered on the picture from Nick.

I divert my eyes from the photo to look up so I can reach out for the door handle, when I see what looks like a figure move into the shadows quickly on the other side of the door.
I squint through the frosted glass, hoping and praying that it's just a member of staff moving around the building, but something just makes me feel uneasy about the familiarity of the figure, even though it just looked like one big, black blob.

I stuff Nick's note into my pocket, and slowly creak open the door. I saw no one.
My heart started beating quickly as I peered around the corners of the door, and saw nobody in sight.
"Who's there?" I call out, but of course there's no reply, so I start cautiously pacing out the office and into the hallway.
I look ahead of me and there's only a receptionist desk ahead that someone could hide in, and then right next to that is the lift.

I stand staring at the receptionist desk for a while, and I start considering just legging it to the left, and hoping that Nick isn't there.
"3...2...1" I whisper to myself before dashing over to the lift and slamming my hand against the button.

I impatiently tap my hand on my leg, bobbing up and down as I wait for the lift to arrive. Checking back multiple times to be certain that Nick isn't stood behind me waiting.

The lift doors open, and I spin my head round quickly, ready to step in the lift, but someone else is already stood in the lift.
That's right, you guessed it, spongebob squarepants.
That stupid sponge was stood in the lift taking up all the space...

Just kidding, of course it was Nick.
I leap back in terror, and start sprinting down the hallway, taking a sharp left turn at Dan's office door, towards the stair case.
"You're going to die, Philip" Nick chuckles, and I can hear his panting coming from behind me, and I don't think he can be anymore than a metre behind me.

I decide to ignore his remark, and I collide my body into the door to the stair way, making the door swing open, and I practically fall down the stairs as I jump down missing so many.

"Let me kill you here Philly, no one will hear you scream" Nick growls, and I turn round to see him wielding what looks like a potato peeler? But it's one of the long sharp ones instead of the safety blades.
"You're actually crazy" I whimper, as I continue to run down the 68 remaining flights of stairs.

"You'll never make it to the bottom, you're already slowing down, you might as well give up now Phil and let me kill you" Nick giggles, and I start to feel a lump grow in my throat.

As much as I hated to admit it, Nick was right, I was slowing down, and I wasn't even half way down the stairs.
"Leave me alone, please!" I cry, running down the stairs as fast as I could, but Nick doesn't stop chasing me.

I get roughly to the 53rd floor, and I'm sweating like crazy, why did Dan have to have his office up so high!? I see the door to the floor I was on, and know that if there's any chance of me surviving today, that door is my last hope.

I look behind me, and Nick has fallen behind a bit so that he's a few metres away from me, and I take this as my chance.
I shove the door open, and quickly dash down the hallway, towards the lift, which I see the doors closing too.

"HOLD IT OPEN!" I scream, at the top of my lungs, and I see the lift doors re-open again to see a very confused looking man.
Behind me I hear the sound of the door being banged against the wall, and I know Nick is a matter of seconds away from me.

I dive into the lift and press the button to shut the doors, just as I see Nick appear round the corner,
"Does he want to come in too?" The man asks,
"No!" I snap, pressing the door button quicker to make sure Nick doesn't get here in time.

The door closes just as Nick approaches, and I feel my heart skip a beat in relief.
"What happened there?" The man in the lift asked me, and I wipe away the tears from my eyes,
"He tried to kill me" I pant, trying to catch my breath back. The man stares at me in disbelief, and I choose to ignore him as I slam my back against the wall of the lift, and let my body slide down onto the floor.

When it reaches the ground floor, no surprise to me, the man very quickly runs out the lift and over too the main reception, where he points towards the lift and looks extremely flustered.

Slowly, I pull myself up, and hobble out the lift, making my way back into the streets of London.
Suddenly, someone grabs the back of my shirt, and yanks me back,
"Tell me if this hurts" I hear Nick's voice whisper in my ear,
"You tell me" I then hear Dan's voice growl, and the grip on the back of my shirt is released.

A gasp erupts from the room, and I quickly turn around to see Dan holding a fire extinguisher above his head, and Nick's body lying unconscious on the floor. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what just happened.

I tackle Dan with a hug, and start sobbing into his chest, and I feel the boy's hands snake around my waist, and him gently kiss my forehead.
"Can someone ring the police please? Make sure this thing is arrested and never released" Dan shouts, and I hear a few people pulling out their phone and calling 999.

"The police are on their way" I hear a woman speak up a few seconds later, and I sigh in relief.
Finally, we're going to be safe.

A/N- it's been ages, don't kill me please 😂

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