Chapter 5

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The starting of a new week.

Akaashi went to school with butterflies in his stomach.

"Its just a hug, its just a hug, its just a hug..." He repeated the same few words in his mind until he was exhausted.

Why did he feel so funny when Bokuto hugged him?

Bokuto is his best friend, and the only guy who had stayed by Akaashi's side continuously. He made Akaashi feel special and not the loner, cold guy whom nobody likes him. He kind of expected Bokuto to be a up and going friend who accompanies Akaashi just because he is from the same school as him, but when Bokuto hugged him, that has to mean something right?

Feeling tired to think about it further, Akaashi trudged into his classroom and sat down heavily on his seat, letting out a loud sigh.

Just before he was going to take out his comic book to read to kill time before lessons started, somebody ran into the classroom and shouted.

"AKAAASHIIII!!!!" Bokuto ran towards him and threw himself onto him, accidentally knocking over his table. Some girls who were in the classroom looked baffled and then giggled when Bokuto ruffled Akaashi's hair which was fluffy in the mornings. The other guys frowned at the scene, leaning over to their friends and whispering something in their ears.

"Oops, shit," Bokuto said, laughing as he calmed down and picked up the table and arranged it the way it was. Akaashi stared at him disbelievingly.

"How did you know which class i am in? I don't recall telling you that," Akaashi creased his shirt and tried to tidy up his hair which looked like grass after Bokuto's work.

"You didn't! Suga did," he replied, pulling a chair over. He sat down and smiled widely at Akaashi. "I have my own ways of finding out things, you know."

Akaashi crossed his arms. "Okay, so what do you want to find me for?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just came to see you." A few girls giggled even more at his words. Some guys looked at Akaashi and Bokuto with their mouth wide open. It was clear that nobody had expected Akaashi, who appears to be a anti-social guy, was friends with someone so hyperactive and who's personality differs a lot from Akaashi's. Akaashi felt his cheeks burn as he tried to control himself from dragging Bokuto out of the classroom.

Akaashi snorted. "I appreciate the fact that you came here to see me, but couldn't you have done it in a more quiet way?"

Bokuto's lips form a shape of 'o', before he said "sorry." Then, appearing to have an idea in his head, he said, "Wanna have lunch together?"

Akaashi thought about it and nodded. Bokuto cheered and then he chatted with Akaashi for a few more minutes before the bell rang and he had to go back to his class. Akaashi covered his face with his hands. Is Bokuto always like this in school? How is he supposed to keep him safe if he is the type who likes to run and jump around?

He heard footsteps and a familiar voice calling his name. He looked up and saw that it was his good friend, Satoshi.

"Akaashi, i never knew you had a friend like that. Is he your closest friend or something? I mean, you two looked really close..." Satoshi said, his eyes wide.

Akaashi flushed. "Its not like what it looks like! He is just a good friend of mine..."

"Oh...i see. When did you two meet?"

Satoshi asked quite a number of questions, all regarding Bokuto. He left when the teacher walked in and signal the class to stand.

For some apparent reason, Akaashi looked forward to lunch. He even thought of treating Bokuto to something, maybe a yakisoba bread.

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