"yeah! he is, and he's a little bit scary too" my shoulders shivered unintentionally at my own words

"his beard and eyebrows are creepy" Alex chuckled

"what are you both talking about" harry tried to nuzzle his face in between so that he can hear our gossips

"its a girly talk" Alex scrunched her nose at him and I laughed looking at harry pouting his lips

"mam! your Coffee" Timmy's raspy voice sent me shivers down to my spine, for really an unknown reason, it felt familiar for a second, I looked at the coffee cup he was covering it with his large hands leaving no space for me to hold it, and when I looked at his face he softened his smirk in nanosecond so that I can't notice, but I did, because I had a great experience with the smirks, they lead me to my flashbacks

"y-you can place it over there, thank you" I thanked him and pointed towards the coffee table in front of us, he placed it and went again behind the coffee corner

"no sugar for me please!" harry said in enough loud voice for him to hear

"he's creep, isn't he?" Alex whispered in my ear and I was silently staring at my coffee, not wanting to speak

"you okay?" harry asked placing his warm hand on mine and I looked up at him

"yeah! I'm just tired I guess" I smiled and he returned back one, and he jumped back shrieking a little when the Coffee cup spilled on his other arm due to the clumsiness of Timmy

"my apologies sir, I mishandled it I don't know how" he was apologizing not so profusely and I looked at him with my most possible deadly glare from harry. but I preferred to check harry first

"are you okay? is it burning? tell me" I started asking questions and he was groaning softly while looking at his arm

"yeah its burning a little" he said while frowning at his arm

"you should have to be careful, see you ruined his shirt too and he's injured" Alex shouted at Timmy, who was just saying sorry constantly looking down at his feet

"its okay Alex, it just happened mistakenly" Liam said while gesturing Alex to stay calm

"wash it first" Zayn said

"give me your shirt I'll wash it" I said worriedly and he almost smirked at me, but it wasn't the weird one, and it is never the creepy one

"I'm alright guys, its okay Timmy" harry gave thumbs up at everyone

"sorry for late guys, I hope you enjoyed your time here, lets go for recording sessions in the studio" Robert came in

"okay! I'll be there in two" harry excused for the bathroom to wash his sleeve and he gave assuring look that its okay I can do this don't worry

"okay! be hurry" Robert left before lads

" let me connect my phone to the charger, and I'm coming" I said to Alex

"you sure! I can wait for you" she asked concerned

"nope! you go" I assured her and started to look in my hand bag for the charger which I recall I putted in,

"connect mine too, its going to be dead, Perrie will be worried if she calls" Zayn gave me his phone too, and they all left for the recording room leaving me alone in the rest room. I was still searching for the charger in my bag, I putted my bag on the table so that I can find it easily, but I was cursing myself for carrying such a gigantic hang bag along with me.

"are you finding something?" someone cleared his throat in his raspy voice and when I turned around my whole blood drained out of me, and I almost shrieked finding Timmy so close to me

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя