~flashback~ (part 2)

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Alyssa: so do you have some clothes that I could borrow?

Juanita: girl no your not getting my clothes we will go shopping tonight so your gonna need to pick a price for buying the clothes

Alyssa: umm 20 bucks unless that's to much

Juanita: to much?? That's not enough

Alyssa: what do you mean I don't wanna be rude I really wanted to say 50

Juanita: how about 1,490

Alyssa: whoa that's a lot

Juanita: that's just for one person in my book

Alyssa: ok well aren't you gonna tell your mom that I'm coming about this whole plan that your setting up

Juanita: I guess I'll tell her just know she will say yes to everything

(Calling mom)....


Juanita:yeah mom so long story short a friend needs some support so I offered a room in the house ohh and also we need to go shopping today

Mom:ok tell me the long version when we get in the car to drive to the mall kids section ONLY Nita

Juanita: ok ok bye love you

Mom: love you too sweetie oh get your stuff together in pulling up y'all bett r not have left no more than where I allowed y'all yo walk

Juanita: yes mom we stayed in the walking region live you bye

Mom:bye I'm pulling up

(Juanita hangs up)

Juanita: all handled

Alyssa: so can I come??

Juanita: yes

Alyssa: awesome

Juanita: yeah but et your things together she said she's about to pull up

Alyssa: ok

(5 seconds later)

Mom: hey girls so is this the friend that needs help

Juanita: yeah this is Alyssa....what was your last name again

Alyssa: Sanchez...Alyssa Maria Sanchez

Mom:oh wow you know my name is Maria

Alyssa: looks like we have a connection (laughs)

Mom: (laughs)

Alyssa: yeah I just find it so generous of you to take me under your wind without even getting to know me

Mom: well that's how this works I get to know you and if you turn out to be ungrateful we can just put you back up for adoption

Alyssa: Oh😳

Mom: yes so now mall your can only go to justice and toys r us and also Alyssa you are getting the same flip phone Juanita has

Alyssa: Yes mam

Mom: Wow Juanita you could learn something from Alyssa


Mom: ok first we have to go get some gas

~awkward silence for 5 more minutes~

(5 minutes later)

Mom:ok let me go get some gas be right back lock the doors Juanita you have your phone call me if someone comes up to the door and scream if they do


Alyssa: yes mam Mrs.Martinez

Mom: Alyssa your apart of the family now just call me "mom"

Alyssa: ok mom

Mom:ok be right back

(Walks away)

Juanita:ok don't flatter yourself missy prissy

Alyssa:what do you mean??i just...

Juanita: SAVE IT!!!!thats MY mom not yours

Alyssa:sorry gosh

Juanita: got ya I play with people now and then

Alyssa:oh good for a moment I thought you were serious

Mom:ok got a full tank of gas.YES!!

Juanita: what did you say yes for its just gas

Mom: sweetie as adult these are the things we get excited about. To the mall

Alyssa: Woohoo!!

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