Chapter 51- Actions

Start from the beginning

"Okay." I said glumly and then walked into the biology room. I sat down next to Max ignoring the concerned glances from mum and dad and looked down at the table. I was angry at Nicolas and still so sad. There were too many unpleasant emotions building inside of me. I took a few deep breaths which worked and looked up. Then the bell rang. I saw Max beside me looking at my face worriedly and I could tell he wanted to comfort me. He was stopping himself from touching me for what reason I don't know.

Without realizing my eyes started to well. I looked down at the table and a tear drop fell. I wiped it off the table and I could feel Max's gaze on me. He couldn't see my face properly because my hair created a wall between us. I hated this. The anger I felt, the sadness, the emptiness.

But who's life is perfect? Everyone has their ups and downs and so did every relationship. I guess the saying life is not fair is true. Because life isn't fair at all.

***Max's POV***

Amelia wiped the table as one tear fell on it. She was upset and angry. She took her anger relatively well but the sadness I could sense inside of her didn't cease. I wanted to comfort her so badly. I reach out, hug her and say that everything is going to be alright. But I couldn't.

The lesson ended and my gaze was mostly on Amelia. I knew she knew I was looking at her but I didn't care. She got off her seat gracefully and walked out of the room. I glanced at uncle Edward and Aunt Bella behind me. That was me last week and last lesson. It didn't feel nice to be left behind, you felt a kind of a rejection.

But I knew she wasn't angry with me because I had heard the conversation between her and Nicolas. It enraged me to learn that Nicolas was behind this. I couldn't believe it out of all people how did manage to break us apart?

The promise I made to her on our first date came to my attention as I got off my seat and went to my next lesson. I promised that I would not let anyone blind me for the love I feel for her and not let anyone come between us.

Nicolas came between us and blinded me for the love I felt for her. He made me angry and say those stupid meaningless things that broke her heart. I hate hhim but I hate myself more for letting him do that. I would ever forgive myself for what I did. Ever.

I reached the english room and sat down on my seat next to Amelia. And next to Katie (the girl on my left). Amelia was looking at the desk and quietly responded to Aunt Alice's babbling.

I couldn't concentrate during the lesson, my entire attention was on Amelia. She seemed preoccupied by her own thoughts. I wanted to know what she was thinking about but I wasn't a mind reader so I couldn't. The lunch hour arrived after the english hour stretched for what seemed like forever. Amelia left with Aunt Alice and walked with them. I wanted to apologise to Amelia still but I needed to fnd the right time.

Anytime is the right time! My brain told me. That was true but I didn't know how to start.

After getting our food we sat down. I didn't eat my food, I didn't have an appetite to eat it. The table was silent, no-one felt the need to talk. I looked up and I looked at my mum. She gave me the look again. She wanted me to apologise, I wanted to apologise too.

"You know Amelia, you are being such a buzz kill! Lighten up!" My Dad said. Amelia looked up from her plate and glared at him. He flinched. She didn't do anything apart from getting up and leaving the cafeteria.

"Emmett you are so stupid why did you do that?! You made her even more upset!" Mum said to him.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood!" he said and then rubbed his head.

"Well you did a very good job of it." I answered.

"Max, don't talk to your dad like that!" Mum said. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. My dear o'dad had to make it worse didn't he?

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