I tried not to think about him or even Greyson but my mind kept going back to if Eli would talk to me and Greyson's ignored messages. I couldn't help where my mind went and it drove me crazy as I tried to focus on the answers I was being asked. I had to reread a question about the Berlin Wall twice before I could finally answer it with confidence.

"Are you okay?" Beth whispered nudging my shoulder harshly and I almost jumped at the sound of her voice and the contact.

"Yeah. Hey, do you know if Eli hangs out with anybody outside of school?"

She shook her head, biting on her lip as she thought over my question before shaking her head once again for confirmation.

"I don't think so. I don't think he talks to anyone, ever. That's why I was so surprised when he pushed Lance away from you. It was a bit weird, you have to admit."

I took a minute and thought about how Eli talked to me and Rico in the hideout, also having extensive conversations with his old boss, Cliff. He wasn't so shy and reserved like he was at school. At times, he was talkative and social. The boy got excited at the sight of Cliff's pie or winning another round of bowling. Maybe people just didn't know the real Eli. Maybe they only thought they knew him but failed to see all the wonderful qualities he possessed. Maybe they'd refused to appreciate the good things about him that still lived, even under a convincing façade.

At lunch, Eli wasn't at the wall yet so I sat down and pulled out a book that I couldn't begin to focus on, my nerves and anxiety eating away at me as I waited for him to arrive. I yawned as someone sat right beside me, basking me in their shadow. I looked up to see none other than Eli, those dark eyes peering into mine. He was so close and I grew rigid, my muscles tightened which only caused an uncomfortable ache to rise in my neck.

"You didn't by chance stay up until three a.m. bowling did you?" he joked, as I yawned again, smiling big as I lowered my fist to my lap.

"Yeah, and I still didn't beat you."

In this moment, everything and everyone went quiet and all eyes were suddenly on us, making me very uncomfortable as hushed conversations erupted, a few fingers discretely being pointed our way. Even Beth, Jane, and Marni were staring at us, but when Eli looked around, everyone kind of went back to what they were doing, returning to their pointless conversations.

"Everyone is kind of..."

"Yeah I know, but they will get over it." He said, unscrewing the top of his Dasani and taking a sip of the water. Meanwhile, I tried to distract myself from staring at the way his unnaturally pink lips curled around the top of the bottle.

"I'm sure next week they'll be talking about the cheerleading captain hooking up with a nerd from the chemistry lab." I joked, immediately embarrassed after I said the words, looking away for a moment before returning my gaze to meet his.

He grinned widely and shook his head at my bad joke, his eyes crinkling as he pushed his water aside and turned slightly to face me. His large hand was pressed against the brick, so very close to my jean clad thigh. Something about that close proximity caused my heartrate to pick up.

"Yeah, probably so." He was still smiling and something about that made my embarrassment diminish.

As he looked at me, I wanted to know what he was thinking, if he was feeling this too, the development of something. Whatever it was, I was fine with it. If he wanted to be friends, that was perfectly alright because I felt special merely getting to be the one talking to him when it seemed as if no one else at school was even given the opportunity.

"So, are you on for tonight?" Eli asked.

"Yeah...if you guys want me there."

"Of course. I need some competition and Rico's always sucked at bowling. Don't tell him I said that. He loves the game."

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