Tavros x Reader

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((Ok so this one was requested by rylibam234. Also this is my first attempt at a oneshot so don't hate me if it's bad! Anyway, hope you like it!!!))
~Reader's POV~
You fiddled your hands nervously as the clock approached 3:00.

You worked at a small tattoo parlor in downtown New Orleans. You were only an assistant and although you were a great artists and had taken many art classes in high school, you had yet to actually do a tattoo. Not that you were complaining, you always felt for some reason you weren't ready, like there was still more for you to learn. Your boss, and the main tattoo artist of the shop, said this was a good trait.

However, now you were sitting at the reception desk, twiddling your thumbs, waiting for your first customer to come in.

Your best friend, porrim, was also an assistant, but she had started tattooing already. However, for some reason today she couldn't make it in so your boss convinced you to take over for her.

You glanced at the clock on the black painted wall once again.

2:49 P.M.

You started doodling on a piece of scratch paper on the desk.

2:55 P.M.

You fixed your eyeliner with a small handheld mirror and adjusted your black ear spikes.

2:58 P.M

You stared at the glass door intently.

2:59 P.M.

You took a deep calming breath. I can do this.

3:00 P.M.

As if pulled in by some invisible force, a troll walked through the door right as the clock turned to three. He glanced around the room nervously and quickly shuffled to the reception desk.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" you asked politely with a sweet smile.

He wasn't as tall as some trolls you'd seen, but neither was he short. He had on a black t-shirt with an orange taurus sign on it and jeans. His horns were huge and stuck out the side of his head like bull horns. His rust orange eyes glanced around nervously as he thought of how to respond to your greeting. He was.....kind of adorable.

"uh,,,hi, I'm tavros nitram and I have an appointment with, uh,,, porrim maryam," he responded nervously. The poor kid...troll, whatever.

"Ok, unfortunately miss maryam is not in today, but not to worry. I am (y/n) (l/n) and I am substituting in for her. So if you'll just follow me, we can get started," you said sweetly, standing up and walking around to the back where all the tattoo rooms were.

After you had tavros sit on the bench, you began organizing and setting up inks and stuff. When you were done you sat yourself on a stool next to the bench tavros was on.

"So, what can i get for you today?" you asked politely, trying to hide your nervousness. "um,,, well I,,,I was thinking about doing this," he stuttered and held out a drawing of an aztec almost like pattern bull.

 "um,,, well I,,,I was thinking about doing this," he stuttered and held out a drawing of an aztec almost like pattern bull

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