Chapter 15

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Bonnie inched down the hallway dragging his hand along the wall.He looked into the office.There was a blurry blob of something.He slowly inched forward into a room.He stared what he remembered was the camera and blindly crawled into the vent.He slowly inched forward until he could see light.Suddenly he heard a screech and poked his head out of the vent.Before he could react the guard put on a Freddy head and leaped forward.Chica screeched and lunged at him.The guard shoved something into the way back of Chica's 'throat' and ripped off Chica's arm.She Screeched and used her other arm to knock him back.Bonnie leaped forward trying blindly to protect his friend.The guard wiped around and tore off his arm.Bonnie stumbled backwards everything a blur.Chica lunged forward and he grabbed something taking it and tearing Chica's other arm off.Bonnie hit the wall and skunked down.Bonnie shook is head and stumbled towards the guard.The guard wasn't paying attention to him and reached up for Chica's head.Before he could do anything there was a scream and the Puppet was standing over the security guard.Puppet removed the Freddy mask and snorted.Bonnie stumbled over to Chica."Are yo-o-u ok-k."She looked down and shook her head.Toy Bonnie,Toy Chica,Freddy,and BB entered the office eyes wide."The guard did that."Puppet pointed to Chica and Bonnie's arm.Toy Chica raced over to Chica."What happened."Chica tried to lift her arms which was now some stubs with wires hanging out and turned so it was pointing at the guard's body."The g-g-aurd did this to-o her."Bonnie explained and felt someone hug him from behind."Well it's about time we tell all of you anyways."Bonnie looked at Golden Freddy."Ballon Boy go get the other animatronics."Freddy ordered and BB dashed away."Tell us what."Toy Bonnie asked hugging Bonnie tighter.Golden Freddy looked at him."Just wait until the others get here."They waited for a few minuets before BB and the rest of the animatronic's squeezed into the room.Mangle crawled up onto the ceiling and BB and Puppet sat on her so the others could have more space."Well now that were all gathered here.It's time we tell you were being moved to another pizzeria it's just like our's just at another location."They all looked around surprised."And were leaving tomorrow."Bonnie tapped Toy Bonnie's arms as he squeezed him to hard."To-o-oy Bon-n-nie to har-d-d."Toy Bonnie loosened his hug but didn't let go."Sorry."Bonnie looked up at the clock 'three more hours here.'He thought and slowly got up.Bonnie tried to get Toy Bonnie off but after a couple of tries just gave up and slowly made his way out of the office.

{Views change from Bonnie to Mangle}

Mangle was about to leap down when Springtrap strode over."Hey wires you know this is my last night here right."Mangle smiled."Good then I won't have to deal with you anymore."Springtrap smiled and reached behind him grabbing a log thick wire.He quickly tied it around her muzzle.She clawed at her muzzle and lost her grip on the ceiling crashing down."Might as well torture you for my last day."He said sweetly and yanked her ear walking off.Mangle growled and pulled off the wire.Foxy walked over and growled.Watching Springtrap leave."He better be leaving soon."Foxy snorted and started destroying the band.Mangle smiled.Toy Chica slowly approached them her blacks eyes looking hurt and angry."Hey Foxyyyy come on let's go."She smiled her hands in firsts behind her back."Sorry but Foxy's busy right now maybe come back later."She snorted and walked away.Mangle smiled before Chica shuffled in front of her."I-is-s thi-i-is how yo---uf--eel?"She asked her voice very distorted.Mangle nodded.

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