Big trouble now

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Channels pov...

I was walking around talking to James. We was laughing playing around and not once did I ever think about Isaac or my family. It's weird that I didn't think about my family. But I was so into James. I started to feel more comfortable with him. Every Time we hugged i felt butterflies in my stomach. It's only been a day we been alone together but I was falling for him.

We was walking into the forest then all of a sudden we was surrounded by wolfs growling at us. I was about to attack them but stopped when I heard Isaac call my name. I knew it was him because i smelt his delicious scent hit me. I knew he was horrible to me but his scent always made me weak.

I watched as he walked towards me but for some reason I couldn't move I was frozen. I couldn't even open my mouth to say anything. I realized that he was face to face to me then he slapped me. I still couldn't move for some reason. "Release her" he said to someone that had their hand pointed to me. Once he put his hand down I could move again then I got put over Isaac's shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN" I yelled at Isaac punching his back.

"You want down I'll give you down." After he said that I thrown on the ground so dang hard I felt my ribs break. I coughed up blood while holding my chest. That really hurt. "Stop running from me. I MEAN IT." He yelled at me kicking me in my stomach over and over until I begging him. Begging for the longest for him to stop. Once he stopped I was in a little puddle of blood I coughed up and was shaking so hard.

I looked over to James who was getting beat. He was bleeding and barely moving. "JAMES GET UP" I yelled at him. "PLEASE". Isaac walked over to him as people held James up. Next thing I knew Isaac walked behind him with his hands on James head. I knew what he was gonna do. "NOOO PLEASE" I tried to get up but I was so weak. I cried as James looked up at me and mouthed the words I love you.

And with that Isaac twisted James neck all the around killing him. I screamed at the horror that I witnessed. Why did this have to happen to me. What did I do wrong? I wanted to go home and enjoy life but I couldn't even do that. Isaac came over to me and kicked me on my mouth. He picked me over his shoulder and my mouth was bleeding and carried me to his house. Surprised he didn't take me to the dungeon. Once we was in the room he put a silver chain around my neck covered in wolfbane. It hurt me a lot me a lot and I tried my best not to move so much but I couldn't because I was being thrown and punched everywhere.

My clothes got ripped off me and thrown to the side. I looked up to see Isaac's eyes all black. I tried to move away but could only go so far with this chain. He stalked towards me and pulled the chain it bring me closer to him.

"Your going to get it" he whispered to me before taking his clothes off. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the floor groaning. I tried to run but got yanked back. I almost forgot that I had the chain around my neck. Before I got back up I was pinned down by Isaac and he was very pissed off.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry" I stuttered and he grabbed my by my neck and choked me. I tried to move his hand away but caused it to tighten. I whimpered but then screamed at the top of my lungs as he slammed himself into me. I was in so much pain to move him. He started thrusting and groaning. "Your so tight channel". I cried. I was still a virgin until now.

"Your a virgin aren't you?" He asked my while taking his hand off my neck letting me breathe and stopped his thrusting. I nodded. His eyes held regret but he hid it and started thrusting harder and faster. I kept screaming and crying for him to stop but he kept going picking up the pace. Then all of a sudden I felt him bite down on my neck marking me as his.

"Your mine whether you like it or not" he kept going after I got used to it I released my cum. He groaned when I did and couple seconds later he cum inside me. I whimpered and after that I went unconscious.

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