preview(instant attraction).

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This is my first ever story I tried writing in 2017 but having to do it with a bad phone was so annoying so I had to drop it but anyways I got a new phone and I am ready to finish it for those who have started reading it am sorry since I published it before but am now publishing it again but I promise to complete it this time and hopefully start a new story.

Never the less before you start this story have in mind that this is my first ever story so please forgive me for what ever error I make.

Although I want you guys to give me constructive feedback but I won't allow any form of abuse if you are cool with that enjoy the story of Lillian Andrews and Nathan O'Neal I hope you enjoy it.

Instant attraction

Some unknown person said that important encounters are planned by the soul long before the body meet each other.
Have you ever felt something so unreal,so bizarre like meeting your make believe prince charming in your dream world in real life and what if he is a real life jerk .
This is the story of Lillian Andrews who met her imaginary prince Charming in real life and he is not all she dream him up to be but he a lot worse.

Nathaniel O'Neal Lillian's prince charming who can't stand Lillian because of something that happened in the past that she can't remember.
She likes him , he hates her but can this two put their differences aside and give
their love a chance.

Instant AttractionWhere stories live. Discover now