Alone or Lonely? (Caption the image above)

75 2 11

I feel almost shunned in a way... I don't have anyone anymore, do I? My best friend is in Washington, another is working and doesn't have time, I hardly ever see the other three I hang out with. The five people I care about most in the world are no where within reach.

It hurts so damn much. I just want Felix (the one working) to talk to me and stay the night. He always listens and he's so damn sweet and kind and -- *clears throat when voice cracks* excuse me. I want Charlotte (The one in Washington DC) to come back for a while so I can give her a hug one more time. I want my girlfriend back, I want to be able to visit two of my friends, I -- *starts sobbing* i miss them so much! *Screams cries into pillow as to not break your ears*



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