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It's 1:30 AM (central standard time) and I saw this on my backed up photos. And I got to thinking about everything that has happened...

The past, present... what will become of my body and everyone else. And I was thinking about love. And hate, and how love can only be sprung from a defective hate.

That lead to the Shakespearean play Romeo and Juliet which lead to Juliet's line: my only love, sprung from my only hate

And I just really sat there and thought about this. In my case, my love and "hate" are the same person. So, I started wondering myself why I loved her in the first place. Was if from a misreading of emotion and my brain went along with it? Or was my brain trying to tell me to hate her? Either way, I knew I loved - love - her when I felt my heart break. Why would it do that if I didn't care? Does our heart really lead us and just have our brains set as a storage tank? It's a thought.

I know I'm lead by my heart; what feels right and good and what or who makes me feel happy. I think people know this about me and often use it against me...

Is my thinking wrong, or are people just out to hurt me? If they are, I just want to know why. I'm nothing if not understanding and kind.  I don't know what hurts more. Not knowing how close I was to her or knowing she held the most important part of myself in her hands and she let it go.

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