My ChildHood Friend, Kyosuke Kou

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Ayana's Dream  4 years ago
Middle School
Age:12(Ayano Kisaragi)
Age:13(Kyousuke Kou)

"Come on Kisaragi-san, what's taking you so long, we're going miss our favourite anime" Kou said joyfully while running in his cute uniform
It was a lovely summer evening, the wind was blowing my brown wavey hair,the bird were chirping. (I was in my school uniform)and trying to tie my shoe lace
"Okay wait a second I need tie my shoe lace first" I said while grinning 
He rolled his eyes "Seriously KISARAGI!!" he shouted while running quickly towards me. All of a sudden he knelt down to help me.
I smiled, I felt a warm sensation in my face and chest.😳😳
"Tha...thank you Ko...Kou-kun" I felt so embarrassed, my face went bright red.
(Smiling) "It's okay, anything for my Princess"
My face went even more red and then we both stood up properly. I then quickly patted my skirt( for the access dust).All of a sudden Kou grabbed my hand and ran towards the hill.
" What are you doing" I said worriedly
"Nothing, I just wanna show you(he blushed) something special" he said with embarrassment
As we ran across the hill, he stopped.
(Huffing and puffing) " The...there go, Pri....nicess" he said while sitting down, trying to ease his breathing
I looked at him, with a confused look on my face.And then all of a sudden the mighty wind blew in our direction and with it came bright pink petals. I quickly converted my eyes and saw the most beautiful thing ever. It was a Blossom Tree.
My mouth widened with surprise."That's so beautiful Kou-kun" I said still looking at the tree
"I know, unmm.... Kisaragi-San" he said quietly
I turned and sat down on the dark green warm grass and said smiling
" Yh what" :) 😃😃
"Ummm when we're older, let...lets umm...." He said while covering his face with his hands with embarrassment 😳😳
"What is it, don't be shy" I said while pushing his hands away from his face
"Nah, just leave it, it's nothing" Kou said sighing in the process
" No pwease twell mwe" I said pouting at him with puppy eyes
It took about 2 minutes for him to give in
"Pwease Kou...Kou-Senpai" I said desperately
All of a sudden his face went read and he gave up and said "okay I tell you" (then I smirked and in my mind I thought I knew he would give in)😏😏
"Ummm ( he took a deep breath in) WHEN YOU'RE OLDER, LETS MEET HERE AND UMMM GET MARRIED" he said loudly and then his whole face went entirely red.
All of a sudden, the wind blew a gust of petals toward us. My eyes went watery and then my warm tears went down my rosy cheeks.
" U.mmnnn Don't cry, I was only joking" he said with embarrassment, " See that's why i didn't want to te....." I quickly hugged him before he finished his sentence while still wrapped around Kou ,I said still sniffing
"Okay, let's do that..... Let's get married under that Cherry Tree"
Then Kou hugged me back
"Okay good lets get married and that's a promise, okay" he said while hugging me more tightly
" Okay,(giggling) I promise"😄😄
We finally let go and the he smiled and rested his soft pale forehead with mine and he said quietly
"From now on, you have call me Senpai,okay"
"Hmmmm" I replied still resting my fore head with his😊😊

 Let's get married under that Cherry Tree"Then Kou hugged me back"Okay good lets get married and that's a promise, okay" he said while hugging me more tightly " Okay,(giggling) I promise"😄😄We finally let go and the he smiled and rested his soft ...

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Present day
In the School infirmary

"Yh I promise... Ko..... Kou-Senpai" I said while moaning and then tears dripped from my eyes and the I felt someone's cold finger wipe it away, maybe it Kou :) I smiled.😊

Ren's POV
I was sitting down, observing her, I thought to my self she is so cute when she's sleeping:) hmmm. Why does she have to think about that boy and smile about him.
She is definitely the one master
"I know Kiato" I said quietly
"Hmmm, Kou, I wonder who he" (sighing)
"Kyousuke Kou, is his name" a voice said all of a sudden
I quickly turned around and saw a familiar boy and I thought to my self he looks rather familiar, I wonder who he is :) ha of cause, it's him.............  (And then I looked while smirking at him in the process)😏😏

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