02. Last night

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Summary : Caspar wakes up after his party and don't remember anything from it, Joe is disappointed.

Words : 1,503

When Caspar finally woke up from what felt like death, his head was pounding. Pounding and hurting. It actually felt like three people were taking turn to hit his entire skull with hammers. His head was so heavy that he couldn't even lift it. A cold breeze went through his whole room and under his covers, making his naked body shivered. Naked body ? Why was he even naked ? He was so screwed. I'm never drinking that much again, he thought to himself, knowing he certainly will. He then opened his eyes, slowly and painfully, one at the time. His glance immediately met his best friend's, Joe's worried look.

" Here, take that. " Joe whispered handing him a glass of water and some pills.

Caspar lifted himself with the help of his elbow and took what Joe was giving him. He thanked the older one silently after drinking the pills down. The pain he was feeling was slowly but surely dying, Caspar was about to fall asleep again. But he noticed something, Joe was still in his room, sat on the floor next to his bed, looking at him. Or more like staring.

" What ? " Had suddenly asked Caspar, wincing at the sound of his own voice.

Joe looked down and scratched the back of his neck. The south African could sense that his friend was nervous.

" Do you remember anything from last night ? " Had he finally asked Caspar, biting his lower lip.

The lattest shut his eyes and tried helplessly to bring back a single memory from the night before to his mind. All he could remember was that he drank one or maybe two or even ten shots of vodka. And then he must had passed out, apparently naked, in his bed.

" Huh, no, definitely not. " Had he laughed. Joe didn't. His laughter died in his throat as he gulped looking at Joe.

" Did I do something wrong ? I mean obviously I did, I was completely wasted. " He smirked at his statement, Joe rolled his eyes.

" Alright. " Joe said dryly, looking away and getting up from his seat. He exited the room without a word, without a glance at Caspar. Well, that was weird, he thought. Joe's behavior seemed odd, even more odd then usual. Caspar must have done something to him last night, since he asked him about it and seemed way too nervous. But he couldn't remember anything, anything except that he had thrown a party at his house the night before and that he may or may not had drank too much. But nothing about Joe.

Later on the day when Caspar had finally found the strength to get out of bed, he found Joe on his sofa. Caspar was surprised to find the boy here, he thought that after this morning he would have left. But no, he was with Jack and Josh, the three of them were spread on the couch in a mess of limbs, in an animated conversation. They were the only one who stayed after the party. They greated Caspar, except Joe, the boy didn't even layed an eye on him. A frown made it's way to Caspar's face. Why was Joe acting so weird with him ? He certainly had done something to him and he was feeling awful, just thinking about the fact that he may had hurt Joe. And his freaking mind had decided that he won't remember anything. He needed to talk to Joe, he needed to know why his best friend was acting so cold and distant.

" Jack, I think it's time for us to go. " Suddenly stated Josh giving a pointed look to his roommate.

" Yeah, we have so much to do at home. " Answered the blonde giving a pointed look too, but this time at Joe.
Who rolled his eyes at the two.

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