~Scandal~30 part 1

Start from the beginning

     "Okay?" Evan blinked. "Okay what?"

      "Let's do it."


      "Let's have...sex." Even gay love making can be called 'sex' right?

     "Derek, we don't-"

      I kissed him to shut up before I lost my nerve and backed out of it. When I lifted my head up, our eyes met. I swallowed, heart drumming against my chest as Evan gazed up at me. Damn...I wonder if he can hear it.

      Slowly, he reached up a hand and brushed my cheek with a thumb. The smooth caress tingled but it was a pleasant sensation.

     "Hey," I began, "can I ask you something?"


      I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed that I was about to ask him this but it's been bugging me for a while now so I had to know.

      "Why me? Like...why did you fall in love with me?"

     "Does it bother you?" Evan asked, staring into my eyes.

     I scowled. "No, you know it doesn't anymore. It's just that...I'm curious. I mean...we're both male so it must take a special reason why another guy would fall in love with another guy, right?" At least that was my thinking.

     Evan didn't say anything for few seconds, his thumb brushing against my bottom lip. "I guess I just couldn't help it. Falling in love with you."


      He sighed. "Derek, even I'm not completely sure why I fell for you of all people. You're stubborn, hot tempered, impulsive, never listen to what people say..."

      I rolled my eyes. "Sure, Evan, point out all my bad points."

      He grinned. "Well, they aren't bad points all the time, just in some cases." Evan's eyes lowered to my lips and stayed there. "Derek...I didn't fall in love with you because you're a guy. Does love have a gender?"

      "Huh?" I said stupidly, completely not getting what he was saying.

      Evan sighed again. "At first I thought I admired you. Your strength, the way you carried yourself with confidence. I wanted to be just like you but the more I found myself watching you, the more I began to realize that it was more than admiration."

      He looked up at me from beneath his lashes. "Over the years the more I watched you, the more I started to realize that I didn't want to be you...but instead wanted to be with you."

      I stared down at him, not sure what to say.

      Evan smiled weakly. "Of course I knew that I couldn't possibly stand a chance. I'm a guy after all...plus your best friend. You'd never look at me the way I look at you."

      He took my hand and pressed it against his cheek, closing his eyes. "I found myself living in a lie just so that you'd never notice my feelings. The more I lived in that lie, the more I lost myself. So I decided to tell you the truth."

       Evan opened his eyes but kept my hand against his cheek. "I took a chance, hoping that our friendship was stronger than any prejudice you had against homosexuality. I didn't want to live in a lie anymore. It....hurt. It hurt a lot."

      He tried to look away from me but I caught his face between my hands, keeping his face in place. "Evan...I..." hell, what do I say to all that? I'm sorry? "Evan..."

      He tried to smile bravely at me but his lips trembled. "I tried to fight my feelings for you, really, I did but it was already too late. Derek...you already burrowed yourself so deeply in my heart that I didn't even stand I chance."

      The trembling of his lips, the cracking in his voice squeezed at my heart.

      "I was so scared," he whispered. "So scared that you'd end up hating me once you figured out that I'm in love with you."

      My hands tightened against his face, making him look at me. "Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. You know I feel the same way now."

       Evan's eyes searched mine. He leaned forward and said in a low trembling whisper,"Show me."

      I didn't hesitate. I brought my lips down to his to show him just how serious I am about my feelings for him. They were new found feelings...but they were strong, determined and unbreakable.

      I deepened the kiss, slipping my tongue between his yielding lips. His tongue brushed against mine, hot yet hesitant until I took control and sucked it. Evan moan and leaned into me. I held onto him, drawing him nearer until his body was pressed against mine.

       Someone cleared their throat. "Um...sorry to interrupt fellas but the bell rang."

       Evan and I groaned and pulled apart, turning to see Annie and Caroline in front of the door. They grinned at us, brows wiggling suggestively.

      My eyes narrowed at them. "How long have you been standing there?"

     "Long enough!" My sister's voice said gleefully. I looked down and realized that she had been behind Annie and Caroline the whole time, bend over with a small camcorder focused on us.

      There was also an unfamiliar girl with dark pigtails kneeling down beside her watching us with wide twinkling eyes. She was munching on something that look like what remained of a cookie. Her eyes widened when she met my angry glare. "Uh oh"

      I let Evan go and took a threatening step towards them. "Uh oh is right you little twerps. Give me that!"

      Kim and the girl shrieked and took off running. "Hey!" I shouted. "Come back here!" Annie and Caroline giggled, taking off after them.

      Evan grabbed my hand before I could go after her. He was laughing. "Derek, just let her go."

      "Damn brat," I grumbled. "When did my sister become so perverted? Those damn homo comics totally corrupted her."

       Evan laughed and took my hand. "Let's go to class." He glanced back me with a teasing smile. "We'll finish what we started on Sunday."

       My eyes widened then I grinned. "Looking forward to it."


Youtube song link------> PLAY ;p

*Cookie, Kim, Caroline and Annie barges in on Derek and Evan kissing*

Kim and Cookie starts singing: "I just can't help myself from falling in love with you!"

Caroline and Annie on the background: "Love, love with youuuuuu."  *points to Derek and Evan*

Kim and Cookie spins around Evan and Derek, throwing flowers in the air: "It doesn't matter what you say or what you do."

Caroline and Annie bends down and wiggles fingers: "No matter what you say, no matter what you do!"

Cookie drops on knees: "Just give me a chance! And I know I'll make you understand why..."

Kim, Carloine, Annie: "I just can't help myself from falling in love with youuuuu"

Derek:  >:O  wtf are you guys doing!?

Evan:  -_-  You'd think we'd be used to this by now...

Cookie: ;p

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