Request - Marcel Gerard "Old flames"

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You carried the glasses and the bottle of bourbon over to the table in the corner where Marcel was already waiting for you. After slipping on your chair, you poured him a drink, making it a double one after you got one look at him.
"Come one, Marcel. What has gotten you this nervous? I thought you were always the one in control here in this town?"

"How about the arrival of a few Original Vampires?" He took the glass from you, raising it in a small toast, before starting to drink it.
"I have a pretty long history with them, and I'm not sure if it's all good." He kept staring to the door, as if he expected them to come in any moment, ruining everything he had built here.
"Although I can't say I'm that sorry that Rebekah is back in town." A smile curled around his lips.

You started to smile as well, leaning towards him.
"Ah... do I detect a love story here?" You were a sucker for love stories, and even though you had seen Marcel with a fair share of women, they never seemed to last longer than a few months.

"Maybe..." The broad smile you knew from him appeared again. "I think the first time I said I was going to marry her was when I was about eleven years old. It was still cute then, but once I became a man, my intentions hadn't changed. Rebekah's hadn't either. Klaus on the other hand... he wasn't that much of a fan of the entire idea. So we sneaked around behind his back for a while before we kind of screwed up royally."

You was going to use that information later on... you were curious about that story, but for now you wanted to focus on something else.
"So... old flame in town. Isn't it time to rekindle that?"

Marcel snorted.
"It was kind of our fault she had to leave here in the first place. I have no idea if she's still interested or not, and I don't know if my ego can handle being turned down by her, of all people..."

"Ah... Marcel Gerard, leader of New Orleans, vampire king, is afraid of a broken heart? I never know I would live to see the day.", you grinned. "What you need, my friend, is courage." You took the bottle again, topping his drink.
"You're going to ask her on a night out. You're going to charm her pants of, because that's what you're good at. And then you're going to remind her of old times, so she'll forget whatever it was that drove her away from her. Just pretend all those years didn't exist."

"And I thought I was the optimist here..." Marcel grinned, seriously considered the option. "Well, the worst thing that can happen is that she says no, isn't it? And even though it would seriously hurt my self esteem, I think there are worse things in the world."

"Your self esteem can handle being hurt for once, Marcel.", you shrugged. The guy that had been your friend for quite a while already had always been a bit too sure of himself. Besides...
"But I don't think she'll say no. I mean... you're pretty hard to resist." You raised your glass.
"To rekindling old flames..."

Marcel copied your gesture, straightening his back as if he had made the decision.
"To rekindling old flames..." He threw back the amber liquid.
"Just know that I'm going to blame you when all goes wrong."

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