Request - Stiles Stilinski "Part of your world" (Sequel)

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Stiles forgot the entire world. He forgot his friends on the beach. He forgot the burning warmth of the sun. He forgot the cold and salt water surrounding him. All he could think of were your lips kissing his, your hands caressing his body, your beautiful eyes staring straight into his.

"What a beautiful young man you are..." Your soothing voice made his entire body long for more. Your enchanting smile made his heart skip a few beats.

How could someone like you not be human? How could someone like you be forced to spend her day in the sea? How could someone like you be closer than ever and still so far out of his reach?

"How lucky I am that you, and only you, have decided to jump into the sea." You cocked your head a little and your lips kissed his shoulder, his collar bone, his chest.

"I know someone who can help you..." Stiles closed his eyes and he moaned when your tongue circled around his nipple. "I know a druid. Maybe he can make you human." His breathing fastened and he pushed his body up a little.

Your lips were now kissing his stomach and your hands were playing with the chords of his swim short. "Does he know a way to make you part of my world too?" You placed your hand on his chest and looked up, straight into his widened eyes.

"I...I don't know..." Stiles stuttered and he shook his head. "He knows a lot, so maybe he does..."

You smiled and you kissed his cheek, his jaw, his swollen lips. "Maybe I know someone who does..." You whispered and you touched his cheek with the back of your hand. "Do you trust me?"

Without even thinking about it Stiles nodded. He trusted you. Even though he barely knew you, even though the two of you had barely talked, even though he had not even asked your name.

"Hold your breath, wonderboy." You wrapped your arms around his waist and before Stiles could scream, you dived into the water. Your fins were carrying the two of you deeper and deeper and Stiles felt the pain in his lungs growing and growing.

The salty water hurt his wide open eyes and in that moment Stiles realized that he was going to die. He was going to die and no one would know it, no one would notice, no one would ever find his body. He started to move his feet, his arms. He started to kick and hit, he started to push and fight. But no matter what he did, your embrace didn't loosen, didn't let him go.

"Do you know what happens to boys who believe in fairytales?" Your voice sounded a lot colder now, sharper and your smile had turned into a grin. When you had finally reached the bottom of the see, you opened the door of a dark, grey castle.

Stiles knew what happened to boys who believed in fairytales. They died. His body was starting to get tired and lightness was taking over his head.

"Hold on a little longer, wonderboy. We're almost there. You didn't think I was going to let you die, did you?"

Stiles wished he could let out a relieved sigh. Although he wasn't too sure if whatever was going to happen to him would be much better than dying.

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