Chapter Thirty-Five: Natural Talent

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I stood cautiously outside the building where I knew Felix lived , which was odd for me... I rarely hesitated in any course of action; I mean, I had broken into heavily armed cities on countless occasions, risking my life and my freedom every single time without so much as an anxious heartbeat, so why was this so hard? Why couldn't I just talk to him?

'Don't do it if it makes you uncomfortable,' Dolosus commented.

"I have to," I replied. "I won't be at peace until I at least try."

'Suit yourself.' He didn't want to argue because he was aware that I knew what Lexio had said was right; I needed to try to make things right between Felix and I... But would he forgive me? A voice in the back of my head said no, especially when I looked at Dolosus... Nephele had tried to kill me and he still hadn't forgiven her, even after I started to see her as a friend of sorts, so would Felix forgive me for almost getting Noir killed? I knew it wasn't entirely my fault, but he didn't see it that way... Either way, I couldn't back out. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

"Come in," he called from behind the closed door, sounding cheery... He was probably not expecting me. "It's not locked so a push should do it." I bit back a groan and nudged the door open, emerging into his room cautiously, as if expecting him to throw something at me, but that was not the reaction I got.

"Lyra!" he said, throwing himself to his knees on the floor in front my feet, "I'm so sorry! I'm so surprised to see you; please don't be mad. You haven't come here to kick me out, have you? I can't believe I was so stupid... I never meant a word of what I said. I know it wasn't your fault; I was just... I was just angry... Well, not angry, just upset and... But I wasn't upset at you... I just... I'm sorry!" I couldn't keep a smile from creeping it's way on my face before replying,

"I didn't come here to kick you out, I came here to apologize..." I almost laughed from relief.

"Apologize?" he said, eyes wide as he got to his feet and grabbed both my hands. "You don't need to apologize. I do. Noir has been so mad at me for snapping at you like that, and now Nephele's gone and she's probably upset with me as well, but the worst was not talking to you. I was too afraid to come up to you in case you turned around and told me to leave the camp... Not that I don't deserve that. I'm sorry, Lyra..."

"I would never have done that to you," I said softly. "I mean, really... That's a death sentence. I don't even dislike Nephele that much... Although it might have crossed my mind more than once." He let out a relieved laugh.

"So, you're not mad at me?"

"Not if you're not mad at me," I smiled in return.

"Thank you, Lyra! Thank you, thank you!" He pulled me into a tight embrace. "We feel much better now, don't we Noir?" The snake, who had been coiled on the bed, seemed to smile, oddly enough, which I took to mean that I was forgiven. Dolosus took off from my shoulder and settled down next to her, blocking me from his head. I assumed he was talking to Noir privately.

"Well," I laughed, "that was far easier than I originally envisioned." Felix just grinned insanely for quite some time, clearly just happy to be talking to me again.

"So," he said as Noir slithered up to me and, surprisingly, rubbed her head to my hand, "have you heard from Nephele?"

"Not a whole lot," I replied, feeling a bit nervous. "She doesn't like talking to Imara; it distracts her... I wish I knew how much longer she plans on being in there."

"Yeah..." He looked away, scratching the back of his head. "Even I'm worried about her..."

"Dolosus told me that Imara was worried about her not returning..." I murmured. "Do you think it was a mistake sending her?" He thought for a moment.

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