Pattie didn't seem all that angry or disgusted, she just looked really sad actually. "Wow, feels as if I've failed as a mother."

"Don't say that."

"Why not? He and Jeremy aren't that close anymore and it's all my fault. Jeremy always used to pester me on how easy I take it on him and I used to say, 'oh Jer, he's a kid, he'll grow up.' He grew up, alright... just not the way I expected and now Jeremy blames me. Now he doesn't even want to be around Justin anymore." Her voice cracked when she said those last words, head falling to hide her face. "I love Justin so much... I love the both of them. It's so hard seeing them fight more than Jeremy and I do, and we're the married couple here. But Jeremy just doesn't get that what he's doing isn't helping Justin either. Justin comes home later now, sometimes he doesn't even come at all. One day, I fear he'll leave and just never come back; either from having had too much or from going a little too far with all his shenanigans. I'm the only woman in the house now, since Nina left for college and I've failed them both."

Zayn didn't know what to say to that. He wanted to say it's okay, to assure her that everything would be okay but he'd be lying. He doesn't know that for sure, he doesn't really know their situation at all. The only thing he was left to do was hug her.

Pattie accepted the hug with no issue. Zayn heard her soft cries but couldn't see them. Strangely, the situation didn't feel odd. It felt like he was hugging his own mother, because when he was younger, that's what Pattie was to him when his mother was too busy trying to pay the bills. She was always there for him whenever he got a booboo, or whenever watched a sad movie. She was always there to wipe away his tears. This just felt like he was returning the favor.

Zayn snapped out of his thoughts when Pattie broke the hug and sniffled. "I'm sorry for just telling you all of this. Things have been hard and I really don't know who to speak to about it. I'm too old to complain about life and anyone there would be to tell would find me ridiculous. I trust you though, you're like family. I guess I've just been holding all this in for so long and—"

"You don't have to explain yourself. I'm totally cool with it."

Ms.Mallete nodded and wiped at the tears that didn't even leave a small smudge or stain on her lightly caked face. "Well, I'll allow you to go now. I have to go myself. I know it's been a while since you've been here but you can make yourself at home."

"Thank you Ms.Mallete."

"Just call me Pattie, Zee."

"Pattie." Zayn said.

She shot him one last smile and gave him a pat on the chest before beginning to walk off. Zayn then proceeded towards the door, but didn't make it all the way before he heard Pattie calling his name.

He spun around to see the woman already standing by her car which was parked in front of their home. "Justin's missed you... a lot."

Zayn, for the second time in less than ten minutes, didn't know how to respond so he nodded instead and rung the doorbell as she entered her vehicle. He waited a minute before ringing the doorbell again. And when there was no response, he rung it over and over again. Zayn hated when people did this, but he also didn't like standing outside either. And he knew Justin had to be in there. If he wasn't, Pattie would have told him?

Zayn groaned, this close to ringing again but one of the double doors was being yanked open, and he almost forgot why he came there in the first place. Hell, Zayn almost forgot his own name, mind blanking out completely to focus on the sight before him.

There, Justin stood almost bare with nothing but a plain white towel that hung low, wrapped around his hips. His body was glistening with the water that trailed down his chest and abdomen, traced along his V line then disappeared underneath the towel where Zayn saw a dust of dark pubes.

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