Chapter 1

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I've been writing fan fiction for the past several years but this is my first Star Wars fanfic. Based on the theory that Ben Solo and Rey were Luke's students in the Jedi Academy. As per recent revelations in Claudia Gray's "Bloodline", this fic takes place across a number of years, from when Ben first started in the academy up until he left. Expect fluff but may later turn dark.

This fic first started out as a fanart idea, but when I wrote the excerpt, a lot of people got interested in a companion fic. I initially came up with a one shot but after "Bloodline" spoilers came out, the fic became decidedly longer. Don't worry, I've actually worked around the whole ages thing but I can't tell you yet, as it will ruin the ending.

Oh, and to clarify, there will be NO NSFW material here, no smut, nada, zero, because...well, ages :P

This fic does NOT have a BETA reader so please forgive the mistakes. If you wish to volunteer as a Beta reader, please don't hesitate to send me a comment or a message.

FYI: Some people might take offense on how I physically describe Ben here, but do remember that we all go through that awkward puberty stage ;)


"Ben! So glad you made it here safely."

Ben Solo held his breath as his uncle walked over to pull him into a brief but tight hug. Ben's shoulders seized. He had always been awkward when it came to human contact, especially when it came from a relative he had barely seen in the last fifteen years of his existence.

"You've certainly grown since I saw you last," Luke Skywalker remarked after he pulled away. "How are your parents?"

"The same," was all Ben could muster with a shrug. He didn't really want to get into any small talk. "I'd like to get to my quarters now, Uncle Luke. I'm a little tired from the journey."

"Of course," Luke coughed, obviously sensing his nephew's dismissal. The less he associated himself with his uncle, the better, Ben thought. "But you need to eat first. It's dinner time after all. Come."

Ben hoisted what little he brought with him over his shoulder. That he was hungry was unmistakable. He hadn't eaten anything since the night before, in a silent protest against his mother insisting he start training in his uncle's academy. Their last conversation had not gone very well, and he dreaded having to talk to her later via the holonet.

He started up the steps with Luke when he noticed something clinging to his uncle's cloak. "Uhm...Uncle've got er...behind you..."

"Oh?" Luke stopped and turned, then released a warm, bearded smile as he tugged on his cloak to reveal a human girl, clinging almost desperately at the brown fabric. She was a tiny creature, with expressive brown eyes and dark brown hair that was tied in two buns near the base of a scrawny neck. "She's one of the newest additions to the academy. Our only resident youngling."

"The only youngling?" Ben parroted, his eyes darting towards the girl, who almost immediately hid herself from view again.

Luke scratched his beard absently. "Yes, well, recruiting for the school is not exactly as easy as it was in the old days. Parents don't usually want to let go of their Force sensitive children. This one here..." he patted the girl on the head, "...she's the daughter of a good friend. They left her to me for protection."

His uncle mentioned a few things about the girl, probably her name and some such but all of it went past Ben. He was too hungry to care. "Dinner, Uncle?"

"Right, right." Luke nodded and led the way up the steps and into the grounds, pointing every which way to indicate locations, directions and a little bit of history about the academy.

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