(33) "Bye" but possibly "Hi"?

Start from the beginning

I hear a faint "Chris!" off in the distance as my head is still racing. I'm finally brought back into reality when I get kicked in the head by someone.

"Hey!" I complain looking up to see who it is. Finding no one I glance over to my right. I see Ali, Julie, Mallory, and Dunn all crowded around in a circle around someone.

"Hope." shortly says another voice from my left. I turn my head back and see Becky standing there with her arm extended to help me up. I gladly accept it while still staring confused at the huddle. "You don't know what happened do you?" I look at her confused.

"I stopped the shot." I say pridefully tossing the ball in the air, catching it, and then settling on my hip by holding it in place with my forearm which is hanging by my side.

"You knocked Press out with you shoulder when you jumped. You didn't feel it?" I shake my head no letting my vision drift back to the group of girls. Becky sighs, "Sometimes you're a little too focused Solo." She pats my back before walking to see about the circle. 

"Are you alright?" asks Car coming up next to me. "That looked like a hard fall." I shake my shoulder out and nod.

"I-I'm fine." I stutter still staring at Christen. I can't believe I knocked her out. Dawn motions for two of the young guy trainers that are here as interns to come and pick her up to take her safely to the sidelines. After they get her and start to carry her past me I notice  that her mouth is bleeding pretty bad.

"She bit her tongue." softly says Dawn rubbing my shoulder when she gets to me. "She's going to be just fine Hope. Now come with me, Ash will take your place, I want to get ice on you. That was a bad hit." I silently nod my head still a little dazed and confused to what actually happened. All I can remember is seeing the ball, jumping, it being in my hands, and then being in the grass. She leads me into the locker room which happens to be where the guys brought Christen. Dawn sits me down on a table and takes a clipboard off the wall. She fills a few things out before grabbing my right arm and pulling on it. 

"Shit." I mumble under my breath pulling it back. She looks at me unimpressed over her glasses and takes it again but this time more gentle.

"I've got to poke some but you'll live." she says making me turn sideways so she can reach all the angles easier.  She starts her examination but I don't pay much attention to her since I'm too focused on Press who is a few tables down. I see Mike and Ike, I don't know their real names so that'll do, perform a concussion test on her while she's still out. I'm not sure if that's actually accurate but okay. Mike writes something down as Ike takes her heart rate. Christen twitches making the two dudes jump. Idiots. I see her eyes flutter open and then quickly shut. She lets out a groan and bring her arm up to shield herself from the light. Just as she's about to speak I feel a really hard jab into a very tender part of a muscle on the back on my shoulder joint.

"Fuck!" I scream covering it with my other hand. "What the hell are you doing to me Dawn?" The older woman chuckles almost manically at me and writes something down on her clipboard.

"Lensie get her some ice please!" she shouts to another intern. The girl quickly goes to do it while I glare at my coach. "I told you I had to poke." she says shrugging. "What the 'big, bad Solo' can't take a little touch?" I keep my cold look and stare at her unamused. Lensie comes back with a bag of ice and a few different types of tape. Dawn wastes no time putting it on me. I grunt as she seals the last bit of elastic extra tightly. I go to stand up but she pushes me back down. "You're done for the day so you might as well just chill out." She laughs at her own pun while I roll my eyes. She leaves so sit back and rest myself against the wall. I watch Mike and Ike hook Christen up on an IV. Apparently she's also dehydrated. I try to make myself seem like I'm not listening to them as the explain to the forward exactly what happened. 

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