Chapter 22 - Real

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I woke up later that night at around 11. 

I'd slept a good twelve hours. My eyes hurt from so much crying and the house was quiet. I put on my slippers and left my room. I walked downstairs and noticed everything was off. My parents had already gone to bed. 

I rubbed at my eyes and bounded back up the stairs. I closed the door to my room as quietly as I could and turned on the light. I didn't want my parents to know I was up. I wanted to be alone and that was not going to be a possibility in this house, at least not for as long as I wanted.

I opened up my closet and slipped on a pair of jeans and a pink long sleeve. I tossed on some socks and my favorite grey boots and a thick grey coat. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and combed out my hair. I didn't bother to put on make-up. Nobody I knew would be awake anyway. 

I grabbed my purse and threw my phone inside. Again I made my way downstairs and slipped out the front door. My heart was racing. I had never been allowed to leave the house on my own before, and now that I thought about it, maybe that was why I loved L.A. so much. The freedom. 

The wind that whipped against my face was freezing cold. I pulled my jacket closer to me and walked down the part of the sidewalk that wasn't covered with snow. I walked a good few blocks before I reached the local coffee shop. I opened the door and welcomed the warmth and smells that were inside. 

I took off my jacket and sat down at one of the tables closest to the window. A large TV screen sat directly to the left of it, but I ignored it. One of the baristas came and took my order and I ordered a tall, black coffee. I whipped out my phone, with nothing but Twitter notifications waiting to be read. I sighed and put my phone back in my bag. I swiveled towards the big TV, deciding that was the only thing in the room that could possibly keep me distracted. 

The barista came back and handed me my coffee and just as quickly, walked away. I sipped away at my drink and let the warmth of it soothe me. 

I was about to get up and go home when something on the TV caught my attention.

It was Big Time Rush. The title at the bottom of the screen read: "Minnesota natives, Big Time Rush, discuss plans for US tour and more!" My stomach began to form little knots as the boys took the stage. Kendall was the first I looked at. He seemed tired, worn out. The thought made me happy. Did he miss me? Had he been up all night thinking of the girl he gave up? 

The interview began and questions were thrown in the air. The boys answered quickly, but well enough to get the right answers across. Questions about their tour, how they wouldn't have an opening act for the first week because there had been a few problems (a.k.a. me leaving), and how exicted they all were. But one question stood out amongst them all: 

"Kendall, are you making plans for your wedding? Will the tour affect that at all?" 

Kendall looked down at the podium in front of him for a few seconds and then looked back up. He looked straight into the camera, his jaw clenched. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought I saw a tear in his eye. "For now, the wedding has been canceled. So, no. The tour will not affect anything in our personal lives." I closed my eyes for a moment as the next question came. "Kendall, are you and Samantha, no longer a couple?" My heart stopped. I took a peek at the screen and noticed Carlos' distressed look. Kendall's voice filled the room. "That's right." And with that, he walked off the stage. 

I covered my mouth with my hand. Kendall's words had never been so real up until now. I shook my head. No, this couldn't be happening. I didn't want it to happen. 

The barista came up with a fresh pot of coffee and said to me, "That must suck. I wonder what happened between those two. I mean, their faces were plastered all over the place for weeks." She took a glance at me and she too covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh,'s you! You're the girl...I'm so sorry. I didn't...I didn't know it was you!" I looked at her. "Please, just stop." I got up, gathered my things, and walked out the door as fast as I could. 

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