Chapter 11 - Lost

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It was late, that's all I knew. I rolled on my side and picked up my phone from the bedside table, where it lay charging. It was two in the morning. I'd slept a good fourteen hours? Maybe? I wasn't functioning well enough to care. I flipped over, facing the windows and the Palmwoods pool. I took a deep breath and snuggled deeper into the covers. I was safe here. There wasn't anyone to fight with, or disappoint. I didn't have to be approved by anybody here. 

My eyes were wide open. I really wanted to go back to sleep, but I just knew I wouldn't be able to. I unwillingly left my bed and went out into the hall as quiet as possible. No one was around. I walked into the kitchen and had a mini heart attack when I noticed that Carlos was sitting at the table, staring at the door. "What on earth are you doing?" I whispered. He looked over at me and gave me a weary smile. "Waiting for Kendall. He hasn't been home since noon. Momma Knight is worried sick." My breath caught in my throat. Was he alright? "Uhm...did you try calling his cell?" Carlos nodded. "It's off." I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them back up, Carlos was looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. "I'm sure he's fine, Sam. He just needs time alone." I nodded and shrugged it off. "I'm going back to my room. Knock if you need me." He nodded and went back to facing the door. 

I went to my room, shut the door, and started to change out of my pajamas. I knew where he was. I was going to bring Kendall home. I put on black shorts, a pink hoodie, and a pair of sneakers. I snuck out into the hall quickly, tippy toeing to James' and Logan's room. I peeked in and grabbed James' keys off the table. I'd owe him big time later.

I ran back to my room and stuffed my cell and my driver's license into my pocket, already opening the window. I sat down on the slanted roof and scooted to the end, and leapt off the edge. I landed on my feet pretty hard, but other than that, it wasn't too bad. I jogged through the open doors into the lobby and ran out to the lot. I started James' car and backed out, heading for the highway. 

I drove silently, letting the wind pick up my hair and swish it around. My heart was pounding and my head was beginning to throb. What if he wasn't where I thought he was? Then what? 

Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. Why I was freaking out this much was beyond me. All I wanted to do was find Kendall, and go home. I took the next exit and swerved steadily in between the small streets, passing restaurants and Santa Monica pier. I took the dirt path off to the side of the beach and headed to the cliffs edge. OUR cliff. He had to be there. Where else would he go? 

As the Jeep got to the top, my breath caught in my throat. He wasn't there. 

I was so sure! I slammed my fist into the steering wheel and let the tears roll down my cheeks. 

I turned off the car and sat there, staring at the moon with blurry eyes and a pounding ache in my head. I needed Kendall, more than he thought. He'd been gone for so long, not leaving a trace, and suddenly I was furious. 

The least he could've done was tell me where he going. It couldn't be that hard to just send me a text. That's it. One message could've stopped all of this. I leaned my forehead against the steering wheel and rubbed my eyes until they began to clear. I closed them for a moment, taking in an unsteady breath, and turned the ignition. I backed out and took the path home. 

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