Chapter 1 - The Arrival

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My heart was beating fast. I was sweating. Thank goodness I’m wearing black…I thought to myself. Me and twenty other people were getting off the last flight to Los Angeles. I walked alone through the baggage pick-up, tugging at my blouse, and waiting for my luggage. You need to calm down Sam. Just breathe. It’s not like you don’t know your own brother. Honestly, I didn’t think it was the new place or the fact that I was traveling alone that bothered me. I was about to meet my big brother Carlos’ band today, Big Time Rush. I grabbed my things and wheeled everything outside. I couldn’t help thinking back to what had gotten me here in the first place.

It felt like ages since Carlos had called two weeks ago, offering to “show me the city” over the summer. My parents weren’t exactly thrilled about me flying out of Minnesota on my own, but eventually they broke down, saying that they trusted my big bro to take care of me. Of course, I wasn’t about to say no to a free trip to California. It didn’t take much for me to pack my bags and get on the flight, but now here I was, having a miny spaz attack outside of LAX.

I was wondering who was going to pick me up when a long, black limo pulled up in front of me. My heart was pumping again when Carlos got out and gave me one of his famous bear hugs.

“Hey Sammy! How’s my little sister been?!” he said, smiling his big grin.

I laughed. “Great! Even better now.” I couldn’t help but smile when I was with him. He was the most amazing brother a girl could ever have.

He loaded my bags up and we got inside the limo. It was so awesome. I couldn’t help, but laugh at myself for being so easily amused. “So…where are the guys?” I asked nonchalantly. He gave me a I-know-what-you’re-up-to kind of smile and said, “Back at the Palmwoods. Katie had a big presentation to give today and Kendall really wanted to be there and so did James and Logan.” I sighed, relieved. “That’s cool. So…I hope I fit in…” I said.

“You will don’t worry!”

“What if I don’t?”

“You will…”

“I dunno…”

This went on for the whole ride “home”. It was nice, being with Carlos for the first time in months. I had had no idea how much I missed him.

My stomach was in knots by the time we got to the Palmwoods. Carlos helped me up to the infamous Room 2J. I got settled into the guest room next door to Katie’s. I was lounging on their couch watching Glee when I heard them coming up. James laugh, Logan’s smart-talk, and Kendall’s deep, adorable voice floated up to me. I sat up and heard Carlos come out to the living room. “Hey guys!” he greeted them as they stepped into the room. I stood up quickly and stood by him. There they were…standing so close to me. I looked up at Kendall and couldn’t help but think how amazing it would be to kiss those lips…my whole body tensed at the thought and my cheeks flared a deep red. With my luck, James noticed the incident. “SO! This is Samantha. Dang Carlos…her ears turn as red as yours do!” he laughed. I grinned shyly and Carlos put a protective arm around me. “Come on guys, lighten up.” It was serious now. The three guys smiled that charismatic smile that only Hollywood guys could rock without looking stuck-up. “Don’t worry man. We’re just kidding around.” Kendall said, punching Carlos playfully on the arm. Carlos smiled and I met everyone else: Mrs. Knight, Katie, Logan, Kendall, and James. “It’s nice to have you here Samantha.” Mrs. Knight said with care in her voice. She got closer to me and whispered, “Plus, it’s nice that Katie’ll have a girl her age around.” I grinned and said, “It’s great to be here.” She put her arm around me and led me to the table. We sat down and ate, laughed, and I couldn’t help but feel so happy to be around them. I felt at home.

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