Chapter 6

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When Cameron came to she looked around to see she was in a marble room of some sort. Her ankles were chained to a large cabinet filled with glowing red orbs. Her hands were tied behind her back with some sort of plastic that cut into her wrists painfully. She struggled against them, but it was no use, especially with the metal cuffs.

In the dimly lit room she could just make out another girl about 5 feet away laying on the floor. The girl moved a bit, groaning as she sat up. "What the hell?" She murmured. Cameron gasped as she saw a mirror image of herself with blonde hair. This must be her sister, her family that August was talking about.

Then everything came back to her. Meeting her sister (Emma, was that her name?) shaking her hand, seeing her transform into another woman, blacking out. No, she couldn't have transformed into someone else. It must have been a hallucination. August probably drugged her when she stupidly stopped in the middle of nowhere. She knew she shouldn't have trusted him. "Damn it!" The brunette cursed out loud.

The blonde looked over at her finally. "Cameron?" She said. "This isn't real. This isn't happening!" Cameron shut her eyes and frantically willed herself to wake up. Then she was being shaken roughly. Her eyes snapped open to see Emma next to her. "Get away from me!" Cameron yelled, trying to pull away.

"Cameron it's okay. I'm your sister Emma!" The blonde said. Cameron stopped fighting and looked at her for a minute. "You- you're real?" The doctor stammered. "Yes. I know you saw some things they didn't make sense earlier, but I'm going to help you. You just have to trust me." Emma answered. Cameron realized the blonde's head was bleeding and she was favoring her right side. "You're hurt."

The doctor in her came out and as soon as her hands were free she reached up to examine Emma's head. The blonde pulled away awkwardly. "I'm fine it's just a scratch. Let's get out of here."

"I'm a doctor. I deal with these types of injuries all the time. If you'll just get me out of here I can help you." Cameron said. Emma nodded, and with the flick of her wrist her ankles were free. "How the hell did you do that?!" Cameron gasped in shock. "I'll explain later. Come on." The blonde pulled Cameron to her feet and lead her towards the stairs.

A flash of light sent them both flying backwards. Cameron found herself on the ground with Emma next to her. She looked up to see the red haired woman that had kidnapped her in the first place. The woman laughed, delighted. The young doctor didn't realize what was going on. Was there some weird technology keeping them trapped? "You must be Cameron. The Savior's twin." The woman said.

Emma came to, quickly sitting up. "Zelena!" She hissed. "Not quite." The redhead said with a smirk. Green smoke engulfed her, and suddenly a man was standing in her place. "Gold!" Emma gasped. Cameron felt like she was going to faint again. What the hell was going on? "That's right, dearie. I had to come back to see this sister of yours. I never thought you'd find her. Of course now that she's here, I can't just let the two of you go."

"What do you want?" Cameron asked in a shaky voice. The man finally looked at her. "You threaten my existence, being here, for reasons you don't understand. It's bad enough the Savior is here." The man answered. "We defeated you. Right after you killed my son!" Emma snapped. "You thought you did. I transported myself to Oz, where I took Zelena's magic and destroyed her. But then the puppet got in the way." Gold said. "August..." Emma trailed off, looking as confused as Cameron felt. Gold pulled out a small dagger, and Emma raised her hands as if trying to attack him.

"I'm afraid you are powerless to attack me, I've neutralized your magic." The man said. "Magic? What the hell was this man talking about? The Savior? Puppets, Oz?" Cameron's mind raced. But as she saw him pull the dagger back, a light in his eyes as he smirked at Emma, the brunette knew she couldn't just let her die. She jumped in front of her sister, arms in front of her.

Emma grabbed onto her hand, and with a flash of light, Gold was thrown back against the wall, the dagger he held clattering to the floor. "You have magic!" Emma said in shock, pulling her up. Their hands were glowing and Cameron felt an energy flowing through both of them. She saw herself as a baby, being held by her mother, seeing her father briefly before she was taken to a wardrobe.

In her mind she saw two little girls, one blonde and one with brown hair, holding hands and running across a meadow, their parents behind them with a castle in the distance. A shiny unicorn mobile above a bed, her mother telling her she looked beautiful as she got ready for the ball. She saw Emma grab her hand, dancing with her to the tune of a jewelry box. A young boy was pulling at her arm, wanting his aunt to play with him. And lastly she saw herself walking down the aisle in a white wedding gown, her father's arm linked through hers and Emma standing at the front of the room. At the end of the altar was August.

The vision only lasted a couple seconds, but Cameron felt like she just experienced years' worth of a life she never got to have. As her eyes met Emma's, she knew her sister had seen it too. This is what would have happened had she never been sent away. The woman's mind was trying to reject the thought of magic and fairytales, but in her heart she knew this was real. This is the reason she's always felt alone. But standing here holding onto Emma's hand her heart felt full and for the first time in her life she felt like she truly belonged.

But suddenly she felt a hand being stabbed into her chest. Cameron fell to the ground, gasping in pain. She turned to see Gold holding a glowing red thing. A heart. That's what those glowing orbs were. The doctor in her wanted to laugh. This wasn't possible! But she watched as he squeezed it. She heard Emma scream as the man crushed her heart to dust. Everything went dark.

Then she was opening her eyes to see she was surrounded by a bright light. A young boy that looked to be about 13 stood next to her. "Hi. I'm Henry." He introduced himself. Cameron immediately recognized him as the boy in her vision that wanted her to play with him. This must be Emma's son. "Wanna hear about my plan? It's called Operation Mongoose."

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