Chapter 2

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Allison Cameron trudged up to the second floor elevator to start another day working on Dr. House's team. Her husband Chase jumped through the doors as they were about to close and stood beside her, smiling. "I got your favorite coffee." He handed her a cup, kissing her cheek. Cameron forced a smile and took a drink.

The elevator doors opened, and more people crowded in around them. "How'd you sleep?" Chase asked. "Fine." Cameron answered tightly. She knew his real question was: 'How did you sleep without me?' and she didn't want to fight. It was Monday. She hated Mondays. After their honeymoon, she'd asked Chase for some time apart. He had reluctantly obliged, wanting to do whatever it takes to save their marriage. It had been nearly 3 months since they had gotten married.

Now that Cameron was living alone again, it felt... good. She didn't have to worry about taking up the whole bed, or making sure a meal was perfectly cooked. There wasn't anymore 'I love yous' and she wasn't pressured into being something she wasn't. She loved Chase, but now that things were official she still felt that emptiness she's felt her whole life. It had only gotten worse when her parents died. She was an only child and now she was more alone than ever. She thought marriage would fix that, but it hasn't.

The elevator doors opened and Cameron hurried out and into her boss's office. House raised his eyebrows as the two doctors entered the room. "Did you two have an early make out session before work? Sex in the storage closet? No, wait. It was in the taxi, wasn't it?" House grinned.

Cameron rolled her eyes and sat down next to Foreman. "What's our case?" She asked. House threw down 3 case files in front of the doctors. "25 year old woman complaining of extreme pain in her abdomen." He answered, sitting down on his desk. Cameron focused on the case for the rest of the day, trying to ignore her guilty feelings.

At 7:00 p.m. the young doctor clocked out, telling House and Foreman goodnight. "Cameron!" The brunette turned to see Foreman running down the hallway after her. "House, Cuddy, and I are going out for drinks. You and Chase wanna join?"

"Maybe. Let me go find Chase and ask him." She answered. Foreman nodded and went back to House's office. Cameron went down to the NICU where her husband had been spending most of his time. The night nurse on schedule, Hanna, greeted Cameron as she entered the room. "Has Chase been down here?" The brunette asked. Hanna looked at her in confusion. "He- he was for a few minutes, but he mentioned something about giving his girl a surprise. I thought he was talking about you."

Cameron started to feel a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. "I'm sure he was. Thanks, Han." She said, going to her car. Her heart pounding in her chest, she drove to Chase's house and walked in. "Chase?" She called out, seeing he wasn't downstairs. She decided to try his bedroom. 'He probably fell asleep. Stop overthinking.' The young woman scolded herself. As she reached her husband's bedroom door, she heard a girl giggle. 'He's watching TV. That's all.' Cameron reassured her worried mind. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Her heart broke into a million pieces as her mouth fell open in shock.

Robert Chase, the love of her life, her second chance, and her husband was lying on the bed, a half-naked woman on top of him. Chase leaned up to the girl's ear and said something that made her giggle. "What the hell?!" Cameron yelled. The blonde haired Australian quickly sat up, pushing the woman off of him. "Allison." He said, in as much shock as Cameron was.

Cameron spun on her heel and flew down the stairs, barely managing to open the door before Chase caught her arm and stopped her. "Cameron please listen to me." He begged. "No! You are my husband! How could you do this to me? I loved you!" Cameron screamed, tears pouring down her face. The brunette stared up into the doctor's face, looking for any sign of remorse or love.

All she saw was sadness. "That's just it, Allison. You loved me. Not now, not anymore, maybe not ever. You loved the idea of having someone to take care of. You wanted that old love from your first marriage back. You pushed me away. What did you expect me to do?"

Cameron pulled away from him. "I expected you to be faithful. I just needed time, don't you get that?!" The woman said softly. "I'm sorry, Cameron." Chase said. Cameron nodded and pulled off her wedding band, pressing it into her husband's palm. "Me too." She said, leaving the house and driving back to her own.

When she got inside she went straight to her bed. The phone in her pocket buzzed frantically and she pulled it out. Seven missed calls from House, three from Foreman, and 20 new text messages. House's icon popped up as he called her again. Cameron thought about ignoring it and just going to sleep for the night, but decided against it.

"House." She answered. "Cameron you better get down here. You're missing out on lots of fun. Me and Foreman already started your first two rounds." The doctor said, already sounding intoxicated. Cameron laughed, wiping tears from her eyes. "I'll be there in 20." She said. "Good. Wear something un-Cameron like. Something sexy."

Cameron hung up the phone and put on the little black dress Cuddy forced her to buy on lunch date. After curling her hair into ringlets and redoing her makeup, she was ready to go. On the way out the door she grabbed her red heels and a flask House had given her for a Christmas present that she never used. She was going to forget her problems for tonight.

As she started her car, a man sat up in the backseat. The brunette gasped and grabbed her pepper spray. "Wait wait wait don't spray me I'm a friend!" The dark haired man said, holding up his hands in surrender. Cameron turned to face him, glaring at the man. "Who are you? Did Chase send you?"

The man looked confused for a moment. "No. I was sent here to help you." He answered. Cameron still held the pepper spray tight in her hand. He looked nice enough, but working in a hospital for years had trained her to be cautious of everyone. "My name is August. You need to come back with me." The man said. "Back where?" The doctor asked. "To Storybrooke."

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