Waking Up

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My eyes open slowly, taking in my surroundings. I remember all too clearly what happened while I was out, what I saw in my dream state, and I know why I'm here. I fully open my eyes and glance over to the side of my bed, to see an asleep Alex resting on top of Dad, who's eyes were wide with shock. He slowly moved Alex off of him, rushing to get over to me.

"Ellie! Oh my god you woke up! They said you might never, and I couldn't stand it. I wasn't here for my baby girl, and I'm never going to leave again," he cries out, making my heart hurt.

"Dad, I know. I heard stuff while I was out. I know what's sorta happened. Now, when can we leave? It smells rank in here," I say with a slight smile even though I'm still not happy.

"Tomorrow morning, which is only in a few hours because it's 2 a.m. right now. You were out for a month Jamie, and at least a hundred people came to see you. Those two bullies that hurt you? Eric Elmore got sentenced to 5 years jail time for harassment and the girl, Megan Atkinson I believe was her name, she plead guilty for numerous accounts of harassment and assault. She is in prison for at least ten years. Everything will be ok now."

I smile, a genuine one, at the fact that my life isn't so miserable now. Then I see a slight movement on the chair and see Alex peering at me, sleep obvious in his eyes.

"Jamie!" he screams, running over and hugging me, "I knew you were just asleep!"

"I heard that song you played me, the Twenty One Pilots one. That was awesome Alex, thank you so much," I tell him with a smile. He starts blushing automatically, and goes and hides in the bathroom. I laugh, knowing Alex was one of the shyest 10 year olds around. I hear a click at the door, and see a shocked doctor and nurse staring at me, like they were about to come deliver some terrible news but were surprised to see me awake.

The nurse spoke first, "How'd you do it, Jamie? And why? We were about to c-come say that you weren't waking up..... How..."

"In all honesty, m'am, I found my will to live."

"Oh. Well. Dr. Klide, do you think she can be released today?" says the nurse with a slightly amused smile at how dumbfounded her superior was.

"Oh. Well, I don't see why not. We have put you on a regular dose of depression and anxiety meds, your father is now your legal guardian until you are old enough to live on your own, and well.... Um... Good day?" he said, leaving it at a question before grabbing the nurse's arm and hauling them both out of the room.

"Well that was..... Different to say the least," Dad said with an amused smirk.

"Dad, have you seen anyone come in by the name of Noah?"

"Oh, Noah! Such a nice boy, he stayed here until.... Oh let's say about a day ago. He used to sleep in the waiting room, and the poor thing looked like he was beaten every night. I believe he's out there right now, and I hope you don't mind but I asked him to stay with us while they got his home situation worked out."

My heart skipped a beat as he said this, and I forcefully pushed myself out of bed and began walking towards the door, my arms and stomach throbbing. I pull on the handle, but almost fall backwards when I realize how weak I am. I happen to find a nice wheelchair sitting beside the door, and I hop into it and wheel out the door and into the hallway. I look like an idiot with the way I'm wheeling it, but it makes me go as fast as possible to Noah. I finally arrive in the waiting room to see a messy red and black haired boy piercing into me with his red eyes.

"Jamie," he whispers, slowly standing up, "JAMIE!"

He runs over too me, and picks me up in an embrace. I squeeze my arms tight around him, holding onto him like my life depended on it. He slowly moved to where our faces were only inches apart.

"I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone. I thought-"

"Save it, loverboy," I interrupt, mashing our mouths together, a violent yet desirable kiss. It lasts forever, until he pulls away.

"I love you Jamie. I want you to be my girlfriend."

I laugh, almost as an instinct. "I'll be your girlfriend, Noah. I'm surprised you even have to ask. A-an-and...... I love you too."

"AWWW," I hear from behind us, and I whip around to see Dad standing there, uncomfortably, with a smirk on his face. I instantly blush and wrench myself from Noah, falling back into the wheelchair. Dad just rolls his eyes and walks away, knowing well enough that I'm old enough for a boyfriend. Noah is as red as a tomato as he wheels me back to my room and helps me change (no he didn't see me naked, he just got me some clothes and turned around while I changed) and then when I'm all ready to leave I look up and check the clock. Its still only 5 a.m. but they should let me check out. Noah wheels me out into the office where a happy nurse is sitting in an office chair almost expecting us to be there. She let's us leave with no fuss, leaving me wondering what dad agreed to so that I could leave so quickly. When I look down in his hand he has some paperwork, and when I read some it says I will be attending weekly therapy sessions. I honestly can't argue with it, it's probably for the best, so I just leave it be. While I was changing Noah told me about what happened to make him leave for so long, and it makes him so much more braver to me. He was going through the same abuse things, but his twin brother is away with his grandma and it was both of his parents, making it worse. It turns out my dad agreed that Noah and Caspar (his opposite, yet his twin. Blonde hair, bluey green eyes) could both stay with us for as long as they needed. And as I hop into my car, knowing everything I need to know, and clutching the hand of the only boy that I'll ever love with all of my being, I realize that maybe, just maybe, I could finally be happy.

Sorry loves I know it's really messy, I just wanted to update for you guys, and yeah. This is practically the end of Jamie's story (for now) and I do plan to write a sequel and an epilogue should be up sometime this week so I love ya lots and hope you've enjoyed it :)

The Lost Cause: Book 1 In TLC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now