What Happens After Death

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"Wh-what?" I stutter out, hearing that strangely familiar voice from my dream again.

"Your story isn't over yet, Jamie. Its only just beginning," they say as the funeral home and everyone in it slowly disappear, leaving me floating in nothing but white.

"But I'm dead, how can my story not be over?"

The voice laughs, and suddenly a figure is coming into shape in front of me. I instantly recognize who it is, and put two and two together.


The beautiful woman has the same silverish hair as Alex, and non-bloodshot dark blue eyes as me. She smiles, making my heart ache.

"Yes Jamie," she says, "I am technically your mother. I'm just the part of her that happened to die a long time ago."

"Wh-what happened? Why'd you leave us?" I sputter out.

A look of sadness is cast across her face, "Never mind that, just know that right now, you're in a coma, your friends and family all sitting by your bed, waiting for their Jamie to come back. You don't deserve death Jamie, and I'm sorry things were the way the were. If you go back, things will be better. I promise.

"Wait. You said 'If I go back'. Does that mean I have a choice?"

"Jamie you can't actually want to stay here. Go home. Go to the people that love you so much more than what lonely little me could."

I nod and turn my head to find a doorway, probably the door to wake up.

"But Mom."


"I love you. Please come back."

She smiles sadly, then walks over to me swiftly to give me the best hug I had ever gotten.

"I promise I'll try. Now Jamie, go on now. Everyone is waiting."

I look up at her one last time, and notice that she, too, has a rush of tears rolling down her face. Then, I turn around, open the door, and without looking back, walk through.

The Lost Cause: Book 1 In TLC SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now