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Ariadne pushed the door open with a bang and hoped that for once Mr. Hayes would be late.

As usual luck was not on her side.

Mr. Hayes stared at her through his gold rimmed spectacles which had slipped down his nose at her less than tidy attire.

A dark hoodie paired with a pair of skinny jeans with her wayward black hair in a pony made up her run-out-of-the-house clothes. Her grey eyes roamed the class. It attracted more attention than she would like.

Ariadne had to do apologize before he uttered a word or Mr. Hayes would send her straight to the Principal's office.

'Discipline' he had called it,'Is to apologize before you are punished,' she thought darkly. His voice and principles still rang in her head, a flash of metal in the stillness of the night asking,

'What are you Ariadne? What are you? Answer me!'

A dark room filled with blood... smelled of rotten flesh... gasping for air... then she mentally shook her head.

She was not going to go to there today.

She had to apologise.

"Mr. Hayes I'm really sorry, but I'll make sure I won't be late for your class again," She said smiling her blinding smile. She hoped that he would be blind enough to let her sit in his class.

Never mind the thick glasses that make him half blind (From full blind mind you). Ariadne always thought that he could be Dumbledore, except for the wiseness part.

"Please join the class Miss. Rosa and do not repeat this again."

Ariadne took her place in the first row. Despite the common opinion they attracted less attention. People always made assumptions about them. Others thought their lives were perfect.

Before Mr. Hayes resumed the class, the door opened for a second time and her supposed arch enemy Elizabeth Filinsky stood outside the door. With baby blue eyes, the tall blond was guy's dream girl. If there was something called Princess Charming that would be her. If there was someone called a B,I,T,C and H, that would be her too.

Maybe that's her point of view.

"No Miss Filinsky, please get a permission slip from the Principal's office stating your reason,"

"But you let Miss Rosa in," a gruff voice from the last row questioned.

"I let in Miss Rosa as I know for sure that she would miss my class only if there was a valid reason!" Mr. Hayes said his face turning red in anger, "She is a model student unlike Miss Filinsky here,"

She thought back to the events this morning and tried finding anything 'valid'.

"Sweetie, are you sure that you don't want anything else? You've been eating very little for a few days," her Mom said pleadingly as Ariadne grabbed a toast and sat opposite to her Dad, "You don't even eat anything at school, and I heard you screaming last night,"

"Mom! It's fine," Ariadne said placing the toast on her plate, "I just don't feel like eating and I may have forgotten my Sleeping pills. Dad a little help here," she said waving her hands to grab his attention.

His face emerged from behind the newspaper. He glanced at both of them as if weighing whose wrath he would rather face and adjusted his glass before answering.

"It's okay Ida," Dad said running his hands through his white peppered hair, "Nothing's gonna happen if she skips a meal,"

"Well then," Mom said raising her hands in defeat, "Since nobody's ready to support me on this matter, I give up. I heard a crash upstairs, a few minutes ago. Care to explain?"

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