{Chapter One - Waking Up}

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You can feel yourself waking up from your deep sleep. Finally. After who knows how long, you were finally going to open your eyes.

The machine makes a groaning sound as metal creaks against metal. You feel yourself lying on the cold floor as a female robotic voice fills the room.

Injection complete. POWER test successful.

Whatever that meant. As you opened your eyes, the pain in your right arm intensified, making you groan. How long were you in there? Hours? Days?

You hear footsteps and hope starts filling your aching chest. Was it Sans? Or maybe Alphys? You slowly look up to see...


They reach out a hand to pull you up. You take it, still confused as to what's going on. They help you up as a wave of nausea hits you hard. You groan and grab your head, closing your eyes.

"You okay? You're bleeding on your arm and there are scrapes everywhere." Chara points to a huge gash on your arm. You wince as pain washes over you and you get light headed.

"Woah woah," Chara catches you before you can fall over. "We need to get you bandaged up. C'mon."

You follow Chara out of the old lab and upstairs to the real lab. Why was Chara helping you? You pondered about this for a second then pushed away the thought. It didn't matter why. They were helping you and that's all that mattered right now.

They sit you down in a chair facing a bunch of monitors then run off the find a first aid kit. You look at the monitors to see Snowdin, Hotland, Waterfall, and the Ruins. No monsters were in sight. Where were they? Was it night and they were all sleeping? Probably.

Chara came back carrying a first aid kit. You rolled up the sleeves of your orange hoodie to reveal even more of the gash. Chara wrapped gauze around it, making you wince when they put pressure on it. How did you get the gash? You can't remember. Once they were done, your whole right arm was covered in gauze. You gave out a small laugh while Chara started getting band aids for the smaller wounds. A small layer of dust was over everything in the lab and you noticed that some things were missing. Strange.

Chara snapped you out of your train of thought when they said, "Could you check your phone for the date?"

"Uh, sure." You took out your phone and opened the calendar app. You dropped the phone. No. It can't be. You picked up the phone with shaking hands and stared at the date. You looked up at Chara, tears threatening to spill.

"Six months? I've been in that thing for six months?"

Chara took the phone from you and stared at the date. She handed it back, staring at the ground. That's when the first wave of effects hit you.

You suddenly doubled over in pain as a strange sensation filled your body. It stung for a few seconds but quickly went away after that. You felt warmth behind your eyes and saw Chara staring at you with a look of confusion, amazement, and fear.

"W-What are you doing with your eyes? I didn't know you could do that." Chara peers closer at you making you back up a bit.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" You ask. Chara looks around the lab then grabs a nearby mirror. She hands it to you and you look at your reflection. You scream and drop the mirror, backing up.

Your eyes, they were different. They were glowing. The iris had been glowing a yellow and white color while the pupil and whites of your eyes hadn't changed. The warmth behind your eyes left and you picked up the mirror again. Your eyes had gone back to its original (E/c) color. What the heck? How did you do that?

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