After this lecture, the gates were opened and they could finally enter. Míriel wondered how this Lord Denethor would be like if Gandalf was so careful around him. They would find out soon enough as they walked through the throne hall. It was made entirely of white except for the black pillars that stretched high to the ceiling and held it all up. There was an equally as black throne in the front, placed on a platform that required a few steps to get up to. On the throne sat a man on the brink of old age with long silvery hair that covered his face for he was bent down as if he was crying. He was clad in expensive navy blue robes and in his hands, he held something that looked much like a horn.

"Hail Denethor, son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Gondor," Gandalf said loudly to gain Denethor's attention, but he did not look up at them. "I come with tidings in this dark hour and with council."

"Perhaps you've come to explain this?" Denethor said and showed them a broken horn in his hands. "Perhaps you've come to tell me why my son is dead?"

Míriel gulped and realised that this was Boromir's horn. After his death, Aragorn, Legolas, Míriel and Gimli had placed him in one of the boats and let the river take him. Apparently, his horn had been washed up which revealed that the young man had indeed died. It still saddened Míriel greatly to think of her friend and she could not deny that she felt sorry for Denethor. No one deserved to lose their child and especially someone so brave as Boromir had been.

"Boromir died to save us," said Pippin suddenly. Míriel glared at him and wondered if it was even possible that he had already forgotten what Gandalf had told him. Pippin was not to speak but he had already broken that promise for he could not stand and watch as Denethor suffered. No matter how hard Gandalf glared at him, Pippin ignored it and fell to his knees.

"My kinsmen and me. He fell defending us from many foes. I offer you my service such as it is, in payment of his debt."

What Pippin had done was something gallant, yet stupid for they did not know Denethor. Pippin may have just given his services to a tyrant, and he would be trapped until Denethor released him.

"This is my first command to you," Denethor said bitterly to Pippin. "How did you escape and my son did not? So mighty a man as he was."

"The mightiest man may be slain by one arrow," Pippin said. "And Boromir was pierced by many." Gandalf glanced uncomfortably at Pippin and neared him since he did not make things much better, smacked him with the staff to make him stand up.

"Get up," he hissed and Pippin did as he said. "My lord, there will be a time to grief for Boromir, but it is not now. War is coming, the enemy is at your doorstep. As Steward you're in charge of the defence of the city, where are Gondor's armies? You still have friends, you are not alone in this fight. Send word for Théoden of Rohan, light the beacons."

"You think you are wise, Mithrandir," Denethor said and there was a glimpse in his eyes that reminded Míriel so much of how Théoden had spoken when he refused to help Gondor. "Yet for all your subtleties you have not your wisdom. Do you think that the eyes of the tower are blind? I have seen more than you know. With your left hand, you would use me as a shield against Mordor and with your right, you would seek to supplant me. I know who rides with Théoden of Rohan. Oh yes, words have reached my ear of this Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and I tell you now: I will not bow to this ranger from the north! Last of a ragged house long breathless."

It did not come as a surprise to hear him speak like this, neither for Gandalf or for Míriel. Men who were given power rarely ever managed to keep it and therefore they did everything to stop themselves from being replaced. Denethor felt that it was his right to sit upon the throne since his father and grandfather and so on had done so before him. The power of Gondor had gotten to his head and he would not give it away easily.

The Elf, the Hobbit and the Ring - Book 2 NEW VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now