Ch.6 - Before the Exams

Start from the beginning

"ok naru-nee-chan thanx for the last time" gaara said with a small smile "your welcome gaara and ill make it better... last time i was only a level 5 master now im a level 13" naru said smirking at the shocked looks of the brats and the sand team.

me and my team (with kona-kun shushined away from the twins and sasuke who was in the same tree as gaara. as we all appeared in training ground 11 i looked at gaara and said "gaa-kun my father and grandfather would like you to join the league... really you'd only be giving us updates on the sands situation and on trade routes and then once Uzu gets back into the shinobi world you can A join us all there or B be our informant and if B try to get a high position job and get a treaty with us." i said with a slight smile.

gaara looked at his team mates/siblings and then said "if you can get the seal fixed im all in and ill decide once it gets back on the map." he had a smile on his face while nodding to his brother and sister who looked worried. i checked his seal it was a 3 layer seal and the bottom 2 layers were unwraveling and slowly un doing.

"this is wierd i put a 5 layer seal on before.... gaa-kun has anyone looked or touched the seal?" i said confused

"father looked at it and got someone to do something but i was uncontious and didnt see but after that i couldnt sleep anymore and Shikaku was trying to take control after that. and that was 4 years ago... it was fine for 3 and i couldnt get a hold of you so i left it." gaara said with a sad sigh.

temari and konkuro looked sad that they couldnt help their baby brother. i told him to lay down and they fully undid the seal destroying while placing a simple suprection seal on him.

after the 3 layer seal was destroyed i took out a brush and ink and started writing 8 layers of seals. "i thought you could just write a seal by taping you finger or something like doing hand signs." konohamaru and konkuro said suprised i took out a brush and sealing ink "i can but i have made mistakes like that and i want make sure this 8 layer seal will stay in tacked and no be destroyed my anyone but me or gaara because last time your dad destroyed mine and put a 3 layer over my destroyed one making the 3 layer start to desintigerate." i said slightly annoyed at myself for forgeting to put a seal lock on last time

"what 8 layer dont you think thats a bit much..." konkuro asked

"no not at all with this many layers it has a seal lock so it cant be tampered with or broken and it will let him use Shukakus power with out having the posibility to be taken over unless you want to give him control. it also makes it so you can sleep like the last one but shukaku wont have any control over your dreams or anything. you will be able to comunicate with him when you want but you can block him. you can also give him a physical body which will have a seal on it so if his chakra hits above that of normally walking around and running... like if it gets to jutsu casting chakra levels then he will be transported automatically to the seal on you. oh also my seal has a siffening system where kuramas chakra gets taken and added to mine i put the same thing on yours so you dont run out of chakra as quick. i also want to go into your mind scape if thats ok gaara-kun?" naru said while consitrating on the seal.

"thats fine with me but shukaku might not like it much" gaara said with a slight sigh

"ok well im done this seal so now i can seal it down" i said pushing the layers down with my right palm while pushing chakra into the seal. once the 8 layers were all pressed down onto gaaras stomach i pumped a pulse of chakra into it sealing to down. i did a seal sweap on gaaras body and found one on the back of his head that messed with his mental state. after removing the mental seal and suprection seal i waited a minute to make sure that my seal actually worked before entering his mindscape.

i opened my eyes and saw a huge cage with gaara infront. i walked up beside him and followed his gaze to the raging tunaki who tried to break gold bars with his huge tail.

i walked up to him causing gaara to shake neevously and shukaku to be confused at the new person in his domain. "hello ichibi shukaku... i came to stop your insanity" i said in a calm tone while walking forward

"what do you mean no one ca-" he started before stopping as a pumped my purification chakra into his foot and stepped back to see him relax. "oh my juubi i havent been this sane since before i got sealed the first time... you truely are the daughter of the sage arent you... i hope i can repay you... and gaara for all the discomfort i have brought" he said while turning into a sandy haired many with the same eyes as the tunicy. i smiled at the 6 foot man before waving gaara over.


Again demons i am so sorry for the wait hope you liked the chapter please vote and coment your thought and if you have a thought on where the story could go or if you have an oc you would like me to add in id love to hear from all yall.

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