ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

Start from the beginning

"So, was your mom and we both know what that turned out to be." His dad spoke and I blushed deeply imagining me and Chandler that way.

"Speaking of your mother, she wants you two down for breakfast, so think fast, because there's bacon and we know how your brother is." His dad said before leaving us. Me and Chandler stared at each other and it was every man for himself.

"That's my bacon." I told him getting up from the chair.

"That's my moms bacon." He shot back.

"Too bad!" I hollered, running out of the room.

"Maria!" He called running behind me.

I quickly slid down the rails of the stairs and slid on the white tiled floor with my white socks. His oversized dark gray t-shirt draped my body and his black basketball shorts struggled to stay on my waist as I ran quickly to the kitchen.

"Good Morning,Gina!" I greeted her, seeing that she was sitting at the table,skimming her phone and sipping what seems to be coffee in a mug.

She smiled.

She was like my second mom. Not saying my mom isn't as great as her though.

"Good Morning,Maria." She said back. She's so kind to me, I swear.

"Hey, mom." Chandler ran pass me,swiping pass me and taking the whole plate of bacon.

"Chandler, share with Maria, for gods sake."

"Morning." I heard a yawn behind me and it was Grayson.

"Oh, hey. Morning, Grayson." I told him. He just stopped and stared at me. Seconds later his freckled face had turned pink.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask him. I reach out to put my hand on his forehead.

"Uh, yeah! Yeah! I'm great!" He told me grabbing my hand and swiping it away from his forehead.

"Oh, well okay. By the way we may not have any bacon, because SOMEONE is being a dwaeji." I say scrunching my nose at Chandler.Just then everyone in the room gave me a confused look.

"A what?" Chandler asked, bacon stuffed in his mouth.

"Dwaeji, as in pig." I said and everyone nodded in understanding.Struggles of speaking a different language.

"Here." Grayson stole the plate of bacon out of Chandlers hand and handing it to me.

"Woah, thanks! You're so much cooler than your brother." I told him before sticking my tongue out at him.

"Y-You're welcome." He stuttered before everyone sat at the table.

"But you love me at the same time." Chandler murmured and my head shot up to look at him. He didn't dare look me but just smirked.

"Sure. I'm utterly in love with you and I want me and you to ride on a horse into the sunset with the wind blowing in our hair, oh~." I said sarcastically even though I mean't every word that came out my mouth.

Time passed and Melanie came and picked me up, since my mom's brand new car is 'broken'.

"Remember to come this weekend, okay?" Gina told me while I was in the passenger seat.

"I will, Gina. Bye!" I told her before me and Mel drove off.

"Tell me every single thing that happened."

"I slept over at his house in his room."I quickly blurted and we both screamed.

"YAS! ALL OUR HARD WORK PAYED OFF!"She hollered while gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"And now the celebration song."I spoke before plugging in my phone and going on my Spotify.Rihanna's Work began to play and we both moved in sync.

"Ready?" She asked me and I grinned.

"When am I never?" I say and the best was getting close to the point.

"Work, Work, Work,Work,Work,Work.He say me have to.He see me haffi ,Work,Work,Work,Work,Work,Work.He see me do mi Dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt!And so me put in work work work work work work!When u ah guh.Learn learn learn learn learn learn.Mi nuh care if him.Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurting." We both laughed at our stupidity.

The ride soon ended at my house and I got inside, greeting my mom and dad while me and Melanie went upstairs to gossip about my night with my crush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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