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"Incoming trauma. Car crash. Four victims." I heard someone yell down the hall.

I immediately made my way towards the E.R.

"Hey Green." I spoke to the on call trauma surgeon.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Any kids in the crash?" I asked as he began putting gloves on.

"I don't know they're five minutes out get ready you can always lend a hand in general." He said.

I nodded grabbing some gloves and walking through the sliding glass doors waiting for the familiar sound of sirens and sight of flashing lights.

My name is Brianna Lowry.

I'm a pediatrics surgeon at Toronto Med.

I survived internship.

I survived my residency.

By being alone.

But somehow becoming an attending makes everything change.

Especially for me.

The ambulance pulled up turning off the siren and two paramedics came out.

"14 year old male, lacerations to the chest and head, flatlined once at the scene and came back at 200."

I took the bed into the nearest trauma room.

"Okay labored breathing lets get a portable x-Ray in here now." I spoke.

"Yes 'mam"

Slowly the arm of the boy began to move and stretch.

I pulled his eyelids open revealing his extremely dialated pupils.

"Page neuro now!" I yelled.

"Need any help in here?" Green asked popping his head in the trauma room.

"No thank you sir." I said towards my fellow attending.

"Dr. Lowry there's a boy out here with a lesion fracture to his supraorbital ridge."

"Um did you get an x-Ray?" I asked holding up the x-rays of the boy in front of me.

"Yes 'mam."

"What do you think your next move is?" I asked.

"Page ortho." He said.

"Good. Then what are you doing standing talking to me?" I asked annoyance lacing in my voice.

"S-sorry." They mumbled rushing out.

"Little harsh on your interns don't you think Dr. Lowry?" Dr. Rollins spoke.

"Listen you deal with the kid on this table and then tell me how you feel. Plus we didn't get it easy at all when we were interns why should they?"

"Anyways you paged?" He chuckled.

"Uh yeah dialated right pupil." I spoke.

"It's blown." He said clicking off his light. "He needs immediate surgery."

"Page up to the OR. Tell them were on our way up." I spoke.

Dr. Rollins and I began rolling the bed out the door.

My hand accidentally touched his arm.


All over.

"And while you're at it page Mendes."

Shawn Mendes.

Head of Plastic Surgery at Toronto Med.

Also my worst nightmare.

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