"You're new," he said after a few seconds of contemplation.

"I am."

She tried to hide her nervousness. She silently repeated to herself that this was a necessary part of the process. This was a new experience that would lead her to a new world. Although she had experimented a little with past boyfriends, she had never done anything like this, or felt anything like this. It was never so organized and intentional, never with people this experienced.

And this was a man who clearly was experienced, who knew what he was doing.

"I'm James," he said, extending his hand.

She had to bend over awkwardly to take his outstretched hand in her bound ones.

"I'm Althea."

"Beautiful name. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too," she answered with a nervous smile. "So, are you interested?"

"I might be. You're gorgeous. You seem like a nice girl. And I like that you're new."

"Why is that? Do you have a thing for new girls?"

The comment was meant to be flirty, but once said, sounded more like an accusation. She breathed a sigh of relief when he simply smiled up at her. Clearly he hadn't taken offense.

"Something like that," he said. "I like to work with submissive women who want to be trained. Build them up from scratch. Create a beautiful experience that's mutually shared."

Althea nodded. "I'm not as new as I look. I've done things. Never professionally though."

"I don't claim to be a professional at this. I'm just a normal guy who knows what he wants. I'm a happily married man, and that has obviously limited my experiences with other women."


Hearing that he was married was strangely disappointing. She tried not to let her feelings show. She had always been against infidelity. She also knew that most kinksters were heavily against cheating. But she quickly reminded herself that this was business. And at least he had been truthful about his marriage.

"Don't worry," he reassured, sensing her distress. "My wife knows."

"Does she?"

Althea almost couldn't hide her surprise at his responding so accurately to her unspoken thoughts.

He gave a reassuring nod. "She approves. We've experimented with a few things over the years. We love each other dearly. We're not exactly swingers, but we're open-minded."

Althea was happy to hear this. A married couple? A loving married couple? New experiences and open minds? Yes please! Please pick me. Please pick me. Please pick me.. She wouldn't beg aloud; the sophisticated surroundings demanded more of her. But she was keen. Very keen.

"That's amazing," she said instead. "Your wife is a lucky one."

"I'm the lucky one. I do everything I can to please her."

This was even more intriguing. "So you two share in the lifestyle? You're the dom, she's the sub. And you're looking for a third person?"

"Something like that. We're looking for a third person to join us, yes. But she's not always my sub. We're usually equal. But when we experiment, she does prefer to submit."

"Any acts in particular?"

"Ropes, bondage. You know, being restrained. Those sound like your fetishes too. Correct?"

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