CH 2: Survival

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Once I woke up, it took some time to remember where I was. I was used to waking up in my nice cozy bed, but instead I was in a very uncomfortable tree.

I sat up on the tree branch, holding onto smaller nearby branches to keep my balance. 'What happened yesterday was real... All of it...' Now I knew it wasn't just a nightmare. Trying to block the memories from my mind, I reluctantly climbed down and walked around in the forest. 'How am I going to get home?' I needed to pick up some shoes and food, I knew I had to, but I didn't want to go back.

Every time I thought about my mom tears ran down my eyes, it hurt knowing that I'm probably the only one left. I wish I could've helped her. I had an older brother, but he hadn't come out of his room. He was still in there I think when the Xenomorph attacked. He must've come out after I was brought outside. 'I hope he's okay.'

I shut my eyes and shook my head trying to get the image of my mom out. 'Stop thinking about it! STOP!' As my mind scrambled to forget what I had seen, I lost my footing and stumbled on some tree roots. With a shriek, I fell in the dirt. I grumbled to myself as I got up and looked down at my now filthy clothes. 'Great... Now I need new clothes too.'

I walked off in the direction that I thought would lead me back home. The sun was beating down on me, I liked the warmth. It made it much easier for me to get stuff done, unless it was too hot then it would slow me down.

I still couldn't recognize the surroundings. 'Maybe the Xenomorphs are gone now, maybe the military killed them all' With that in mind I started to jog and before I knew it I was at a road. I looked side to side as I was taught to. I couldn't see any cars. I slightly recognized the place, the lake I loved to swim in was a few kilometers away.

I walked in the direction of the lake, knowing it would eventually lead me to some buildings. I could hear my bare feet taping the ground making that weird splat sound because of the mud that was on them.

It felt like it took forever to reach the lake. By now I knew exactly where I was, and I could see my house with all the military vehicles by it. No one was there though, and everything was so quiet. It was too quiet. 'What happened?' I walked cautiously toward the house trying to get a better look at it. There were corpses everywhere, I tried to ignore them but every time I saw one I began to cry. My stomach churned with every slight scent of blood.

As soon as I got close I quickly hurried into the house, I yelped when I stepped on the broken glass on the floor and hopped up the stairs to the bathroom where I closed and locked the door. Making sure to avoid looking in the kitchen where mom had been. I could still smell the burning flesh which made my stomach ache even more.

I rinsed off my muddy and now bloody feet, put bandages on the scratches and quickly rinsed off the rest of my body. The heat from the sun had dried the mud that now caked my clothes, arms and legs. I scrubbed the dirt off and left the dirty clothes on the floor.

Now dripping wet, I grabbed a towel and headed for my room. I kept looking around making sure no one else was here. The silence was making me uneasy. Once I made it to my room I changed into some clean clothes, put on my jacket, grabbed my shoes from under the bed and headed down the stairs as fast as I could.

When I made it to the last step I heard a sound coming from upstairs. I froze in place, sudden fear taking over my body. I sat on the final step and slowly putting my shoes on, then I heard the noise again. I tried resisting my curiosity but it didn't work, I crept back up the stairs. "Roman?" I called for my brother hoping that it was him "Roman, is that you?"

I was breathing heavily and could feel my heart beating hard against my chest, "Roman?" I asked again, my voice a bit shaky. I walked to his room; stopping at the door and with a slow calming breath, I put my hand on the knob and opened it. I was trembling so much that the knob was rattling in my hand. I peeked inside but didn't see anything on the right, when I looked over to the left I saw a very tall creature standing there.

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