"I don't want to ruin the night." Bonnie said in a low tone.

"Spill." I squinted at her.

"Caroline will kill me if this gets back to Damon that she squealed. His ex-Katherine, they both dated her, only she chose Damon. Apparently it drove Stefan mad, and he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated her. Filled her head with lies, she eventually believed him, and she turned against Damon." Bonnie said.

"That sounds like one person's side. Anyway his past relationships are none of business." Elena replied.

"Unless he's a manipulative liar." Bonnie said. We continued painting our nails and getting all girly.

~Couple hours pass by~

"Hi, Mrs. Lockwood. Are you sure? I saw it. Let me check. If I find it I'll bring it as soon as I found it." Elena was on the phone, while Bonnie and I were curling our hair. Elena rushed into Jeremy's room and I followed.

"What now?" Jeremy pulled off his headphones.

"Where is it? The pocket watch." Elena said in a 'you're in trouble tone.'

"What?" Jeremy replied.

"Don't act dumb. Mrs. Lockwood thinks she lost it." I then just left his room to get ready again. I finished curling my hair, and started with my eye makeup. I liked this side of me, getting pretty for some stupid founders party.

"Poise K or Mary Jo K?" I asked Bonnie as I held up to liquid lipsticks. Elena entered the bathroom and continued to straighten her hair.

"Mary." Bonnie replied. I smiled at her good choice and applied the liquid lipstick. I grabbed my dress and walked into my room. My blonde hair running down my back as I strip of my clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror. I slid on my dress waiting for a text from Matt or a knock on the door. A knock came to the door, I walked downstairs and opened the door slowly. Stefan.

"Oh, I thought you were my date." I said in a disappointed voice.

"Wow. Angel, you know how to clean up." Stefan was still staring at me.

"Thanks." I blushed, "you can come in."

He walked in, I told him Elena was just putting on her dress and touching up. We made small talk about Elena, the town, school, and boring things. Bonnie left, I looked at the time and the founder's party already started. I went upstairs and Elena was giving Jeremy the watch.

"Elena, the party has started and Stefan's waiting for you." I said in a hurry.

"What about Matt?" She asked. I checked my phone and I had a message from him.

Matt: I can't make it anymore. Sorry. I'll make it up to you. J

"He just stood me up." I laughed in a mad way.

"You can come with us." She smiled as we walked down the stairs.

"I'm the 3rd wheel to my twin and her date. Classic." I laughed. We left the house and drove all the way to the Lockwood's. We waited in line to be greeted by the Lockwood's, we made small talk with the strangers around us. People still ask me and Elena if we're ok. We nod and say we're fine. After a couple of minutes we were being greeted by the Lockwood's.

"Angel, hey. No date?" Mrs. Lockwood said.

"I figured I should fly solo." I lied, I was embarrassed to talk about be stood up.

"Well welcome." Mr. Lockwood shook my hand. I entered their house and went straight outside, I sat down on one of the chairs that were left out. Looking at all the happy couples dancing, laughing, and having a good time. All I wanted was a date even if it was my best friend. I got up and grabbed some champagne and walked back to my seat only Damon was sitting in it.

"Drowning your sorrows, I see." Damon said.

"I would say it isn't true, but it is." I sat down next to him, and crossed my legs.

"Aren't you a little young to drink?" He asked.

"Aren't you a little old to be banging a seventeen year old." Shots fired. (SAVAGE!!!)

"Point taken." He nodded.

"If you don't mind I'm going to go find Elena." I left him sitting there. I found Elena looking at our parent's wedding bands and Stefan talking to her. I started looking around the room, there was so many things donated from the founding families.

"Guys look at this, it's the original guest registry." Elena called me and Stefan over.

"Is that who I think it is?" I rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing right.

"Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?" Elena said in a surprised voice.

"The original Salvatore brothers." Ahh, Damon.

"They don't need to hear about our family." Stefan said.

"Well this just got boring." I had finished my drink. I walked out, I did not want to hear about the original Salvatore brothers. This party was already boring, it was too classy for me. I took off my heels and started walking to the pond. Tyler was sitting on a bench alone, I decided to sit next to him.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"She left, what about you?" He replied.

"He stood me up." I sighed. He turned his head towards me, I just stared at him like I didn't care that Matt stood me up, or at least someone stood me up. I sat there in silence, looking at the lake. I kicked off my heels and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked.

"I'm not going to sit in silence, I want to have fun." I walked off, I grabbed another glass of champagne and found some random guy to dance with. Stefan and Elena were dancing right next to us. Every time Elena and I faced each other she tried to talk to me. I left the guy I was dancing with and signaled Elena to come and talk to me. She obviously looked like she was mad at Stefan.

I began to walk away. Elena grabbed my arm and took me into a room with Bonnie in it. We all sat down for the next couple of minutes talking about Stefan and trust. Then it hit me. I like Stefan, I couldn't say anything but I do. I sat there uncomfortably, for a while until Elena left to go to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes Elena came rushing out looking like she was about to kill someone. I followed her and she was yelling at Damon.

"You stay away from Caroline!" Was all I heard? She then walked over to Stefan looking apologetic then she was angry again. Stefan walked away, and I walked to Elena, I gave her a hug. She wasn't crying or anything. We then went to go find Caroline. We found her shaking, trying not cry.

"Caroline, what happened?" Elena asked.

"What happened?" I asked. We were both asking her so many questions.

"I'm fine." She said in a shaky voice.

"No you aren't" I replied.

"I'm fine." She replied again on the verge of tears.

"No. You're shaking. Caroline-- what--." Elena was lost for words so was I. I could see bite marks on her neck. I was scared, could Damon have done this, all of this.

"I'm fine!" Caroling was obviously not fine. Elena and I opened our arms up for her to hug us. She started crying and shaking even harder.       

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