Another two spikes hit the ground as Percy leaped out of the way and made a sudden dash for the manticore. Surprised, it faltered. At this opening, Percy fell upon his prey and ripped the life out of its body.

As soon as his body hit the ground, Percy collapsed in excruciating pain. His body shifted and contorted into a new shape. His vision went black, but he remained conscious during his transformation. His heart beat erratically against his chest, and he could feel the pounding everywhere in his body.

When the intensity subsided, Percy rose slowly onto his feet –or rather paws. The differences between the hellhound and manticore were prominent. Instead of depending on darkness and claws, the manticore had extraordinarily strong muscles in its tail.

Testing out his new form, Percy flicked his new tail and blinked in surprise at the raw speed and feeling of something leaving his tail only to appear a second later embedded deeply into the ground.

Percy discovered that a manticore wasn't the fastest monster, but wasn't slow, either. Its strength was moderate and still mostly concentrated in the tail. Most surprisingly, the thing could actually fly – with little difficulty.

Here came the hard part.

How the Hades is he going to shift back?


After this particular thought struck him, Percy realized that he could very possibly be stuck as a monster and never be a human again. Now, Percy wasn't sure about a lot of things, but he knew he definitely wanted to be human again, no matter how much his life sucked.

Percy had no idea where to even begin to think about ways to turn back. He remembered Annabeth going through a phase about some ceramic wizard – Harry Potmaker, or something like that – and how to produce a certain spell the wizard needed to think of their happiest memory.

Taking this into account, Percy thought back. Nearly every happy memory of his had been with Annabeth, and all of those memories were permanently tainted with darkness.

Suddenly, Percy remembered.

"What are you making, mom?" Percy asked as he crawled onto a chair to look at what his mom was mixing.

Except that wasn't Percy; that was five-year-old Percy before learning about the gods and before Smelly Gave. It was back when it was just him and his mom.

Back when he was happy.

"I'm making your favorite cookies, Percy. A special treat for your birthday," Percy's mom smiled warmly, "Would you like to help, sweetie?"

"Yeah!" the younger Percy grinned, "I wanna mix the batter!"

"Okay, Percy, here's the spoon."

"Wait, I have a great idea! Close your eyes, mommy!"

"Alright, I'm closing them," Sally smiled as she used her hands to cover he eyes.

"No peeking!" the younger Percy bossed as he saw his mom looking between her fingers.

Younger Percy scrambled down the chair and ran as fast as he could to the kitchen cabinet. Standing on his tippy-toes, he reached up and grabbed a tiny bottle. Percy felt the corners of his mouth lifting softly. He remembered this.

Pouring all the contents of the vial into the cookie batter, the younger Percy grabbed his mom's arm.

"You can look now, mommy!"

Sally looked down at her now-blue arm. "Percy," Sally laughed as she stared at the blue cookie batter, "Did you use all the blue food dye?"

"Blue cookies for my birthday!" Younger Percy's face split into a toothy grin, "'Cause blue's my favorite color!"

Percy's mom laughed, eyes twinkling with love for her son, "Blue cookies," she pondered, "We should make blue cookies every year."

Percy was crying. He hasn't seen his mother for months. He wiped his tears away and took a deep breath.


Percy looked down at himself. He was human again.




1000+ words

ugh this took longer than it should have

i'm sorry

i will probably update a couple more pjo books but due to a request i will also write other fanfics for other fandoms because someone requested it

probably an attack on titan one that i'm working on

however if i want to update pjo instead i will do it or if other people ask

for now, hasta la bye-bye

Percy Jackson Fanfiction: Lord of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now