"Sorry to crash, but you shuckfaces have our friends, and we want them back." Minho stood broadly, showcasing both knives to whoever looked at it.

Mara backed him up, pulling the gun up into view and swiping it across the room. A few of them gasped loudly and huddled into a corner of the room, they were still frantic and crazed with terror and shock, but it wouldn't last. Once their hangovers wore off, they would realise that there were way more of them than there were Gladers.

Each of the Gladers circled the hungover Cranks, keeping them contained in the corner they had clustered into. Mara kept the gun pointed in that general direction as Minho and Frypan approached her, standing either side and looking at the group.

All of a sudden, three men burst into the room from the right side of the room, both looking crazed and confused. Their first choice was to make a run for the door, which was a bad decision considering that meant they would run straight into Jorge, who still hovered near the door.

He hit the tallest first with his knife, knocking him to the ground and out cold. The second, a rather ugly man, took the brunt of Jorge's second hit, and he also went down quickly. They hardly put up a fight.

Then, the third Crank, who had obviously realised that he would need to fight back, decided to tackle Jorge. The man ran at Jorge, his ponytail swaying behind him. This time, the fight lasted longer, but not by much, and pretty soon, he joined his friends.

Mara took the attack as a note to self- do not get on Jorge's bad side.

"I'm gonna scout this shuck place for Thomas and the girl." Minho told them abruptly, not even a second after Jorge had knocked the two Cranks. "I trust you can look after these shanks. I'll be back soon."

With that, he headed off to the side of the room, but Mara didn't watch long enough to find out which direction he was going in. Instead, she turned back to the Cranks, trying to look as intimidating.

"We haven't got long until they realise they can take us." Frypan whispered to Mara carefully, trying to avoid them hearing him.

"Well, let's hope that Minho finds Thomas pretty quickly then." She prayed he would, because she didn't want to stick around when the Cranks lost their hangovers. A lot of them looked buff and very dangerous, and she wasn't about to get stabbed again.

A loud thump came from the direction Minho had headed towards, and then another. Mara assumed at first that it was Minho taking down some of the other Cranks, but what if it wasn't? What if one of those bodies was him?

She shook the thought away. Minho could handle himself well, so she was sure that he was fine.

"You think he needs any help?" Frypan asked, speaking Mara's thoughts.

"I think he'll be okay." She nodded- she had faith in him. He was strong willed and so determined Mara was sure nothing would take him down.

"You don't think someone should've gone with him?" Frypan turned in the direction the thumps had come from, looking for some sign. "Or make sure that he's okay?"

Before Mara could reply, she noticed that the Cranks had begun to cause and uproar again, arguing with Jorge and a few other Gladers about something. They were angry, no, raging, getting annoyed because they were stuffed into a corner. Soon, they were going to get out of hand.

They were unstoppable; the noise ripped through the room like a rocket, buzzing and accelerating. So Mara did what she thought was necessary to quieten the crowd. She took her gun from her waistband, raised it to the ceiling, and shot once.

Everyone went dead silent, and all eyes turned to her.

"If any of you say one more, the next one goes in you. So shut the shuck up." She warned them as she pulled the gun back to her. Mara swapped the gun onto safety mode and then put it back under her waistline.

"The shuck's going on up here?" A voice from behind her spoke out loudly behind her, and Mara didn't even have to look to realise that it was Minho.

"Where's Tommy? And Brenda?" Mara ignored his question, instead approaching him, stepping over bodies of passed-out people in order to get to him. Frypan and a few others joined them, but Jorge, Newt and Aris remained on guard.

"On their way.

Just then, a girl with long brown hair and dark eyes appeared from another part of the building. She looked beat up, but still tough and angry, so Mara knew she must be Brenda. Something seemed to be sparking a rage inside of her, and Mara wasn't surprised. She had practically been kidnapped.

Almost immediately, a boy with choppy brown hair appeared behind her. Thomas.

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