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I woke up to the sun coming through the the blinds and making aggravating and irrelevant lines across my face. I looked over at Ethan who was still asleep, and smiled before jumping on him.

"Wake up, E," I said in a high pitched voice, he opened his eyes and smiled at me, placing his hands on my hips.

He smiled disappeared when he looked over at the alarm clock that read, 10:52.
He jumped up, gently placing me down and ran to the bathroom.

"What?" I laughed, "did you bleed through?"

"No babe, we have to be at the counselor's in 6 minutes," he told me. I gasped and jumped up also, running to the closet for some clothes.

10 minutes later we were ready, and running out the door.

"What's up?" Gray asked, spread out on the couch with Nesa.

"Gotta go to the counselor, love you, bye," I said hurriedly and ran to the car with Ethan's hand in mine.

We took an uber to the office and got there 30 minutes late.

"Hi, appointment for Ethan Dolan." I said, out of breath, to the frightened girl behind the counter.

She nodded and pointed to the door to her right. We walked in and saw the women that looked too young for her profession, she had to be in her early twenties.

"Hi," she laughed at how hard we were breathing, "take a seat, would you like some water?"

"Yes," Ethan and I said in unison, and the woman laughed again, sitting two cups down in front of us.

"My name is Anna Scott, but please just call me Ann," she said sitting on her desk and shaking our hands.

"And you must be Ethan," Ethan nodded, "alright, I just have a few question about your childhood and then we'll move on to what you need to do to help this condition progress."

We both nodded and Ethan reached for my hand. The next hour was spent with her asking Ethan question and Ethan occasionally looking at me and squeezing my hand as he answered difficult questions and tried not to cry. The whole session made me admire him even more.

"Okay Ethan," Ann said sorrowfully, "I can see that you been through lots of things that match with your level of PTSD, it's not as severe as most. But we are prescribing some medication for you so that any depression or anxiety doesn't get worse. And I strictly need you always keep someone buy your side that you trust, someone that you really love, someone like her," she said nodding towards me.

Ethan smiled at me, "okay."

"Before you leave, I would like to speak with Maddi alone, if you don't mind," she told us.

Ethan walked outside and I stayed seated.

"I understand that Ethan is going on tour, is that correct?" she asked me.


"And you can't be with him because-"

"Because I need to finish college."

"Okay, but as much as I urge out to get an education, I want you to understand how much Ethan needs you right now. This problem isn't one to go away on it's own, he is going to have more anxiety attacks, and when he does he needs someone like you to calm him down. I see the way he looks at you, you're the main one he needs. Please just consider finding a way to stay with him?"

I nodded, "I will."

*Ethan's POV*

I laced my fingers through Maddi's and watched her driving, "you don't have to listen to her, you don't have to stay with me."

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