Ice Cream

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The next few weeks flew by in a blur, only some things that I could still remember burned into my mind and seemed to never fade.

The late night phone calls with Ethan even though he was only one apartment over, the awkward silences with him that really weren't awkward at all because with him everything made sense, and the spontaneous dates that he would take me out on at midnight or too early in the morning.
It's was like Ethan didn't have an off button, and I loved him so much more for it, but our time together was dwindling and neither of us were ready for what would come next.

"Maddi, wake up," Ethan said clutching my wrist and laying on top of me, leaving me breathless.

I looked down at him and groaned, "why can't you ever let me sleep, dammit," I sighed. He laughed and pulled me out of bed, as I sat up I looked over at the alarm clock that read 4:23.

"E, it's too early for this, go bad to sleep," I said lying back down. But as soon as my body touched back down, I was jolted back up by Ethan's strong arms.

"Babe, we only have a week left before I go on tour, please give me this date and then I'll let you sleep," he pleaded.

I looked into his somber eyes and gave in, "okay, where are we going," I asked.

"We are going to get ice cream," he said and with that he walked out of the room.

"Of course," I said to myself, "of course I'm going to get ice cream with Ethan Dolan at four in the morning," I finished. I pushed myself out of the bed and walked up to Ethan, "I have to get dressed, hold on," I went to turn away but was stopped by Ethan.

"I," he started, pulling me towards him, "think you look great," he grabbed my arm and pulled me out to his car.

We drove out into the night, and I searched for stars the way I used to back in Oklahoma. Only Oklahoma nights were star filled ones, no searching intended.

Ethan noticed my curiosity, and he pushed a button opening the sun roof. I layed my seat back and watched the stars dance around. The stars were so, tragically beautiful, a graveyard of dust and hydrogen that wasn't good enough to be part of this Earth. They were just casted away and mixed together, almost like me and Ethan.

I was so mesmerized by the stars that I didn't even notice the car had stopped and Ethan was talking to me, "Maddi?" Ethan called. I lifted the seat back up and walked into the tiny ice cream shop holding Ethan's hand.

"How is this place even open?" I asked Ethan.

"The people that work here practically praise me, I felt bad asking them to stay out this late, but they were down."

"affectionate" I asked.

"confusing." he told me.

"Hello, and welcome to TJ's ice cream, what can I get for you tonight," the teenage girl said behind the counter, holding back her giddy excitement.

"I just want vanilla, and for her-"

"double chocolate," I finished for him.

While we were waiting for our ice cream, Irresistible by One Direction came on from the small radio that the girls had in their concession.

"May I have this dance?" Ethan asked, holding out his right hand.

I laughed, at how hard it seemed for him to ask me, but then blushed as I took his hand.

"It makes your lips so kissable, and your kiss unmissable, your fingertips so touchable, and your eyes irresistible," Ethan sang along.

"Big One Direction fan?" I asked.

"I just had the songs memorized, so I could sing it to a beautiful girl one day," Ethan said, blushing. He leaned in slightly, and slowly. He almost seemed scared, like I was too fragile for him. I stood on my tiptoes to reach up and embrace him in a kiss, our lips moving slowly in sync. It seemed to last forever, but finally he pulled away, "let's go somewhere that we don't have a crowd at," he laughed, looking at the gawking girls from the corner of his eye. I nodded and we walked to get our ice cream.

We got our food, from the younger girl in the stand who's hands were shaking violently as she handed over Ethan's vanilla cone. Before we left I turned around and giggled watching the girls take pictures of us with their phones.

"Ethan, are we lost? This isn't the way home," I told him.

"Just relax," he said, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked.

I looked over and saw a smile on his face, his smile made my stomach do flips and I grabbed his hand, intertwining it with mind.

Ethan Dolan was sexy from a distance, more beautiful up close.

We finally arrived to wherever we were going, and I slipped out of the passenger seat. Ethan grabbed a blanket from the back of his car and we walked through a trail to the edge of a cliff. I finally realized that this was where we went on our first date, it made me smile thinking back on how far we've come only these past months.

He layed the blanket down close to the edge and I sat on it, waiting for him to accompany me. But he stayed back, and I looked over my shoulder to see him holding his phone up, taking a picture of me.

"Come on, Dolan. You can't just leave me alone at the edge of a cliff," I joked.

He came up beside me and sat, wrapping his arm around me and looking down at the town below us.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of courage, and I leaned into him, laying him on his back and straddling him without breaking our kiss. I felt his smile on my lips as we drifted farther and farther into something that I felt could never be reversed.

"I love you, Maddi,"

"I love you to Dolan,"

Oohh they used the "L" word. Do you guys think I'm taking their relationship too fast? Because I can slow it down some.

Thanks for reading.

All the love.

x Margo

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