3. New guy....

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  Classes flew by so quick.. I got to know Jason and found out that he has a little sister named Anna. He was born and raised in California. He favorite color is Blue and he's 18. At lunch "the queen of the sluts" came up to me.. (Her name is Sarah) 

~~~~ Flash Back  ~~~~

   I was in line with Jason to get my lunch when I feel my hair being pulled back. My head jerks back and I stumbled to the ground, I look up to see the devil itself in front of me.

   Sarah just starts to laugh and he minions just laugh along with her. Jason rushed to my side to help me up. She rolls her eyes and says "Hey you, why are you with this slut?" I scoffs and reply with "Me the slut? Honey, when's your birthday so I can get you a mirror?" Jason chuckles. Her face get red. Next thing I know she tackled me to the ground pulling my hair. Oh HELL NO she didn't just do that.

     She was straddling me I quickly flips us over so I'm on top of her. I just see red and stop punching as hard as I can. I hear the satisfying noise of a broken nose. Jason is trying to pry me off of her, when I feel like she has had enough I get off and and with a smirk I say "Don't come at me if you can't handle me. Or and I think your nose with look better with my arrangement." I flip my hair a walk away. She muttered "Bitch, your gonna pay!"

Jason just look at me with wide eyes and stuttered "H...h..h.h..how?" My heart fell to my stomach. I just fought in front of the whole school. My secret is (possibly) out! "Shit!" I muttered.

   "What's wrong?" Jason asked with a worried expression. I know I need to tell him. "I need to tell you something. How about we go to Starbucks and skip the rest of the day?" I ask nervously. He just shrugs "Sure, why not." The whole car ride there we didn't talk. Though I just saw Jason (by the corner of my eye) take a few glances.

~~~~ Present Time ~~~~~

We just sat down at Starbucks. Jason stayed quiet, waiting for me to explain. "Imayormaymltbeastreetfighterandmysecretispossiblyoutnow!" I say in one breath. Jason just looks confused "What?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

   He looks so cute, but not cuter then Daniel! What, why am I even thinking about him. I explain slowly "I may or may not be a street fighter and my secret is possibly out now." Jason makes an 'O' face.

    He looks at me and said "I have a secret too." "What is it?" I ask with out thinking. He started to play with he's hands and avoids eye contact. "Do you believe in Vampire and Werewolves?" He asks shaking. "Like in the movie, 'Twilight'?" He chuckles "Basically." I smile and say "Well kinda, why?" He's smile fades. He look at me straight in the eyes and said "Please don't scream but I'm a werewolf."

   My eyes widen. Then I see black dots and a faint voice yelling "Alice!!" "Are you ok?" Before everything goes black. I sit in a black room before I let the dark consume me.

A/N: Hey guys, don't kill me I know I didn't update in forever but I had a writer block. Now I'll start updating more! I hope you like this chapter sorry it was kinda short.. Who do you ships Daniel and Alice = Dalice or Jason and Alice = Jalice? Idk you choose! I love you guys. Tell me when I should update? Have a great day!! ❤️❤️💯💯😘😘

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