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"So," Sidney began, eyes scanning the house she was to reside in for the remaining seventeen months of her high school life. "This is it."

"This is it, hon," her mother echoed. "It's not much, I know." She sighed forlornly, a sound that betrayed her disappointment at herself for not providing more for her children.

"It's awesome Mom," Sidney said earnestly. "Gabe's loving his new room already."

Right on cue, the eight year old came running down the stairs noisily, his happiness overflowing in mirth. "My. Room. Has. Windows. In. It," he breathed out, punctuating every word with his excitement. "This house is sick!"

Her mother chuckled. "Which reminds me... Time for you to check out your new room Sidney."

She led her upstairs, opening the second door to the left. A tidy little room unfolded, smelling of fresh paint and her mother's favourite incense. She was rather thrilled to find the walls were painted a soft robin blue; the same shade her previous room had been. Light filtered into the area via a large window that overlooked the front porch, casting constellations of dust on whatever it landed on. There was a cozy niche built in, and she could already see sleepless nights spent stargazing from the snug little alcove.

"Do you like it? I wished it was bigger. I'll have your wardrobes up in no time I promise. The boxes still need to be sorted out, the kitchen needs repainting. And grocery shopping! Oh God, why did we have to move?" her mom ranted, on edge. Sidney placed one hand on her shoulder to calm her. She knew her mom was taking the move harder than anyone else in the family, an act deemed necessary after the fallout with her previous employer. The pay here was simply too good to pass up.

"One step at a time Mom," she said. Her mother flashed her a grateful smile.

She left soon enough to clear out the boxes, leaving Sidney alone with only her thoughts in the room.

So this was it. Her fresh start. Her new beginning.

Here's to terraced houses, wacky neighbours and star-lit nights.


Her eyes flashed open, but Sidney dare not stir. She'd heard something. The scufflings of feet and the hint of another person's breathing. Her imagination? Her digital clock read three am; no one should still be up and about.

No. There it was again. The slow thud of footsteps above her. There was an intruder on the roof.

Her eyes flashed towards the open window. Shit. She'd left it open as the fresh suburban night air intrigued her lungs, so unlike the carcinogenic city air she'd grown used to. It had been a good idea at the time.

Tendrils of visceral fear paralyzed her body. Sidney scanned the room for something to defend herself with, desperately trying to calm her palpitating heart in vain. A ruler. Great, she can measure the intruder to death.

I'm going to die. I'm not even in college yet. I have my whole life ahead of me. I CAN'T DIE.

She was just about to let loose the scream of all screams when an all too familiar voice rang out.

"Holla again, neighbour. You awake?"

An upside-down face of a boy came into view, along with a mop of messy hair.

Sidney sat with her mouth agape.

"Hello? Are you actually sleeping like a boring human?"

Sidney pinched her cheek. Ouch. She's not dreaming, apparently.


"Awww yeah! I knew my Aussie girl was better than that!"

"Lucas you near gave me a heart attack. Frankly I'm still contemplating on whether my next course of action should be attacking you with a ruler or screaming for help. Neither will end well for you."

"Here's one suggestion: come up here and I'll teach you the constellations."

"Are you kidding me? It's three am. I have school tomorrow."

"Bah, boring. Boring, boring, boring. Skip it. Nothing deemed educational in that prison actually lives up to that term. If you want to test sheer memorisation, then join me here to memorise the ever-so-enamoring constellations."

"How did you even get up there?"

"Aha! Curiosity! I'll win you over in no time. If you haven't noticed, ours are terraced houses. Very Georgian by the way, all restrained elegance and neoclassical. Just so happens I live right beside you, in a room identical to yours. Plus I'm rather good at climbing out of windows."

"And disturbing your new neighbours at three in the morning."

"Had to give you your warm welcome. Now come up here. The night is young!"

"Go away Lucas."

"But Aussie...the stars a-"

"I'm going back to bed. And stop calling me that."

"See you tomorrow then, Aussie."


"Not even a good night back. Youngsters these days. Gotta be taught manners."




Phew that was a long chappie. 

Fun fact #1: I should be studying for my AS levels but I'm spending my days watching season 6 of Parks and Recs ladies and gentlemen a round of applause for me please. (April and Andy are life basically.) 

Trying my best to update regularly. Thanks for all the support guys mwah love you. 

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