Lady in white

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The phone rang at 3:00 a.m.

"Sorry. I'm Sally from gynaecology. We need your opinion on our patient who has acute confusion and aggressive behaviour. " The soft voice on the phone woke me up from my deep relaxing slumber.

"Sure." I hanged up the phone and moved my lazy ass to the next building.

The place was quiet. Endless dark silhouette on the wall followed my steps along the corridor. I stepped inside the ward and found myself surrounded by newborn babies and pregnant patients waiting to deliver.

Dr Sally greeted me and smiled.

"Her bed is in the last cubicle, to the left. She started this odd behaviour after she claimed seeing a beautiful woman in white, standing at the edge of her bed."

"Let me get this right. You just told me your pregnant patient saw that at three a.m. on Friday morning".

Sally smiled.






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