Chapter 16

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I heard the car horn outside I never even bothered to check cause I knew who it was. Luckily I was done with my breakfast so I just grabbed my bag and glanced in the mirror for the last time as I made my way out the door.

When I walked out Keith was leaning against his BMW M-freaking-9 he looks really amazing in a maroon v-neck that clings to his rock solid body , black skinnies with really awesome high tops. I turned to lock the door before he could see me drooling over his delicious body he is a real treat this guy.

"Who let the boss out!?" He yelled pulling me out of my thoughts and starting me a bit. I turn around after I was done locking the door and literally catwalked towards him.

"You look amazing" he said pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks 'boyfriend!' You don't look bad yourself " I said shoving him playfully moving away.

"C'mon mami" #hot Spanish acsent alert I think I'm drooling.

"Power couple selfie?" He asked taking out his phone.

No! I whined.

"Shut up and let me take the picture" he said playfully.

We both shared a laugh but then it hit me... Déjà vu he said something like that in the dream immediately making me look lost in thought and out of place for a second but luckily for me Keith had already taken the picture. The picture looks lovely though we were both in mid laughter when he too it.

"Let's go" I said once my eyes started tailing down his body making tug at my dress. I think my body is getting hot. Again.

Keith didn't notice anything so I quickly went round the car and took my seat. When I closed the door and glanced at Keith who currently had a wicked grin playing on his lips now.

"Do I want to know why you are ginning like that?" I ask curiously.

He doesn't answer but his gin stretched making me unease and causing me to shift in my seat, he starts the engine and might I add this car is s beast! That engine alone.

"Let's see how fast this baby goes" he says glancing at me to see my expression.

I kneet my eyebrows together slightly confused at what he just said but after a few seconds it clicked.

"No!No!No! Keith!!" I exclaim when he steps on the gas it was as if he was waiting for it to register in my mind. He took a glance at me and broke into laughter when he saw the fear in my eyes.

When we finally came to a stop I stormed out of the car making my way towards the hallway leaving Keith in the car and not even bothering to close the door.

As I walked through I could hear people whispering obviously about that ridiculous paper, that darn Natalie Wilson. Well the only reason that paper exists is because of Keith.

"Isy!" Keith comes running from behind me but I ignore him.

"Baby!" He says steping infront of me, I cross my arms over my chest.
"What?" I respond not even looking at him.

"I'm sorry" he says softly and I draw my attention to him.

"You could have killed me" I state bitterly

"I know mami you know I Love you" he says whilst on his knees. I froze in my spot taken by his confession and apparently people have gained interest in our conversation, some even have taken out their phones. they are obviously Natalie's spys .

"Oh my God! That was awesome!" he exclaimed after dragging me to a corner.

"Huh?" Is all I managed to say, I was still in the moment when Keith said 'I love you' to me*to me*

"This pretending thing is awesome! I think I should be an actor.. What do you think 'baby'?" He asks slapping me back to reality.

"PSH! Please" I say while forcing a fake smile and cough out an even more fake laugh.

He walked away laughing and I was glad he had left. I feel like I'm putting too much feelings into something that won't ever happen so I feel I should slow my role or better yet just forget about it. He clearly doesn't feel the same way, I mean... His Keith freaking Wells.

I don't feel like attending class today so I'll just be in the library with my books... bonding.


I've been in the library for like four hours now and no matter how many times I put a books or my work infront of my face all I keep thinking of is Keith, Keith, Keith.

I get up from my seat and make my way out side I don't really know where I'm going but I'm just walking to wherever my feet are taking me.

"Watch it!" I hear a voice and that is when I realised I had bumped into someone, and I was currently on the floor on my ass to be specific.

"Are you alright?" The unknown voice said wrapping their hands around me and helping me up.

"Yeah!" I said but my words were now a whisper when I lifted my head to look at this person. Four words BLONDE HAIR, GREY EYES bonus word GORGEOUS.

"I'm Tyler" he introduces himself and a nervous smile appearing on his face making him blush.

And God that smile! No just Him. His very existence.

"Isabelle" I mumble while blinking rapidly.

"I'm sorry for um... Bumping into you" he says then bites his lip.

"I'm sorry too I wasn't looking where I was going" I explain almost blushing with embarrassment.

"You can bump into me anytime" he says leaning towards me. And I feel the heat creeping up my checks.

When he sees this he has an amused look plastered on his face. Damn this guy is hot. "Wanna grab a bite?" he asks and his beautiful smile is back on his face.

"Sure" my mouth says without the consent of my brain. What the hell.

He holds out his hand and I don't hesitate to place my hand on his which makes me smile at my desperation.

He had taken me to this eating place nearby so we didn't even use his car cause the place is right behind campus and the food was great. Why had I never been here before they have everything I need. Amazing food.

Tyler is such a sweet person his told me about his little sister Britney whom he adores, she is only three years old but she sounds like a lovely little girl. He showed me a picture of him and her covered in wip cream and it's just adorable.

I've told him a little bit about myself and my family, but it's so easy to talk to him I feel like telling him everything even the painful things I've had to experience. He is so down to earth, funny, outgoing, hot, nice and he loves babies . I like him already.

Hey everyone sorry for the boring chapter and the late update...anywho hope you enjoyed it somehow.

But get ready to see more of Tyler cause he is here to stay.

And I'll be posting the pictures of the characters on the next chapter.

Vote, comment and enjoy.

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