Chapter 13

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Keith's POV:

I stood their like I was in a trance,  if not for Lizzy clearing her throat I wouldn't have moved well I knew she would look nice but not this nice I feel like i borrowed an angel from heaven. 

"Isy..."  is all I managed to say.

"What's wrong?" she asks wide eyed and worried as she inspected her outfit from side to side.

"N-n-no nothing" I stummer and I don't know why this is happening to me and it had to be now. "For you" I said dumbly giving her the roses after shaking my head.

"Thank you they are beautiful" she muttered after inhaling them.

"Anytime" I reply automatically then flush a genuine smile. Since my English is back i should probably tell her how amazing she looks.

"You Look amazing, awesome, fabulous... You!" Oh great I'm rambling now. I scratch the back of my head my head awkwardly.

"Thanks" she giggles and flushes a shade of pink.

"Shall we?"  I hold out my hand she takes it gladly.

"Wait! Wait!" we hear Lizzy calling us from behind when we turned around Lizzy took a picture almost immediately,  we tried to protest but she took another one unitl we finally posed in defeat for the last one.

"Goodbye you weird kids" she yelled after us giggling, and we waved in return.


Bell's POV:

I don't know why he won't tell me where we are going yet, he just keeps smirking at me when I ask him so I've decided not to speek to him until he says something, I've actually sworn that and I'm not going back on my word.

We are still on the road and we are still not talking, he doesn't seem bothered that I'm mad and to break the silence he tuned in the radio and trap queen is  playing cover by Josh Levi, to my surprise he starts singing along.

Oh my God that's horrible I laugh at him, I know i said I wasn't gonna talk to him but he is ruining one of my fav songs."Oh yeah why don't you try to sing along?" He challenges me, with one if his gorgeous smirk plastered on his scalpered face and he looks even more breath taking in this tux like damn.

"What?" he asked from nowhere dabbing his head from me to the road and now lookinng nervous.
"Huh?" I responded not sure why he just asked that or why he looks so nervous. A confused expression forming my face. 

"You've been staring at me what's up? you like what you  see?  " he asks teasing. Oh look at that old Keith is back great! I literally roll my eyes mentally but I can feel the heat creaping up my face.

He smirks at my reaction. "We are here!" He announces now looking excited.

I look out and see a very tall very beautiful building, modern designs and porsh.

The next thing I know my door is being opened and cold air creasing my skin. "So you check out buildings too? he sighs

"I'm offended" he states  faking disappointment with his left hand over his chest and the other stretched out to me. I  never even heard him move out of the car but  he does have a point, I was checking out the building you would too so don't judge me.

"Why the jealousy all of a sudden?" I pout playing along as l take his hand and step out of the car carefully would not want to fall... now that would be a shame. The thought makes me widen my eyes a little.

"I feel like it's taking away the attention meant for me" he pouts and it makes me giggle.

"Oh so you think that's funny? "

"No!" I respond knowing what he would do next. I can't have him tickle me I might just fall off my heels this time.

He grins widely as we step into the elevator with his hands in his pockets and my hand curled on his left hand. I squeeze my clutch at the thought of being in this small space with Keith, I steal glaces at him as we are going to the last floor on this building.

"How did you know my size?"  I ask out of nowhere but I guess I've been curious, I snap my head in his direction but gasp when curls his arm around my waist.

He makes me feel like i have the tiniest waist ever but that is not why i gasped.

"Like this" he says  he is so close to me I can feel his warm minty breath on my face and his scent invading nose. God he always smells good.

I nod slowly.

My breath now hitched my eyelids threatening to close because of our intimate position but thank God the elevator doors pings open.

"Next time princess" he says leading the way. I follow sightly behind him trying to compose myself after our 'little' incident.

We walk down a the hallway for a few minutes then we turn and walk through some double doors inside is a very beautiful and elegant Italian restaurant. Ooh too fancy.

We dont stop at any table but we keep walking straight till we are out on the balcony which had beautiful seats but we don't stop there, we actually head up some stairs and before i know it he are on the roof.

He grabs my arm and pulls me to what seemed like the middle since it was really dark up here i couldn't see a thing. He lets go of my arm then i hear clapping from a distance I'm afraid to move cause I dont want to fall off by accident so instead I try calling out to him.

"Kei-"My sentence is cut off omg it's beautiful... Their little golden lights everywhere and emotions are feeling my body I could feel tears threatening to pour out anytime soon.

"Miss Green" I hear his calm voice.
I turn around to see him standing near a table which is beautifully set with candles and two red roses.
When i approach the table he holds out the chair for me. I took my sit and he helped tuck me in. "Thank you" i mutter sheepishly. He smiles in return and takes a sit on the other end of the table.

Hey guys sorry for the late update but hope you enjoyed this chapter.

If you did i would love to  recommend "If only" by @jandshere #you will not regretIt's really awesome don't forget to vote and comment. Love you 💙💙


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