Run for your lives- part 1

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"How do we get out of this place?" Rosa asked as they wandered through the endless corridors following the man, who they quickly learnt to be called Dave.
"Uummmmm, well, I'm not really sure," Dave began, "I don't recognise any of these corridors from when I brought you here." The friends sighed and Jasper sat down in a dramatic heap on the floor. Dave leant against the old wall beside them and thought.

"Sophie, you could join with the others and use your powers to find your way out maybe?" He suggested. Sophie quickly face palmed. How could she not have thought of that? She shook all thoughts from her mind and began joining with the others. They all found the joining bit easy, it was like they were already joined, which they probably were! Then came the hard part, where Sophie had to do all the work and the others basically just gave her all their energy to power the spell.
Sophie had found out from Dave that she could move objects, know what people are thinking and travel places without her team, as well as much more, but only when she knew how, she needed a teacher.

Sophie concentrated as hard as she could on the castle and willed her mind to show her a map of its corridors. Suddenly a blinding flash came through her closed eyes and she began shaking violently. Sophie doubled over and retched on the old, carpeted floor before standing up to see everyone looking down on her with troubled faces. With a croaky voice, she apologised,
"I'm sorry, I couldn't do it." Dave sighed and assured her, "don't worry, magic is not easy, even for the One. It will take some practise, as long as you are prepared to put in the work."
"But, what about my family?" Sophie asked, "do they know? Will they still want me? I have to stay with them!"
Dave's face went from sympathetic to panic mode, over emotional, distressed 10 year old girl was not his strong point, especially when she was also the most powerful thing in the world!
"Well, they don't know how powerful you are, but they do know that you are special in some original way. The trouble is, they don't believe in magic, which is what all your powers are based upon." He looked at Sophie's distressed face and sighed again, "look, the quicker you find a way out of here, the quicker you can see your parents again, the quicker all of you can see your families again." Giving them a motive seemed to work, an Sophie shook herself and tried again. Once again, she quickly joined with her team and concentrated hard on the corridors, but also on her family. Having a balance in her brain worked, and from then on she always had a balanced head when she used magic. She raised her hand due to instinct and a clear, atmospheric sphere appeared in it. A picture soon appeared and she saw the castle from a bird's eye view and all the corridors. The thing that scared Sophie the most though, was the fact that she could see herself and her friends in the sphere, exactly what they were doing, and also everything in the castle in that place. It was a live picture of the castle from a bird's eye view. She could even see the sphere from within the sphere itself!

Sophie studied the map and quickly made out a route for them to take. Nodding onwards to her friends, the started their long and confusing walk out of the castle, and back home...

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